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  从奥地利首都维也纳向西行几个小时,就到了上奥州的首府林茨。这里离德国的巴伐利亚州已经不远了。和巴伐利亚州人一样,上奥州人也称自己是欧洲的中心位置。上奥州北部是由花岗岩和片麻岩组成的山陵地带,中部是多瑙河谷,南部是阿尔卑斯山地。多瑙河、伊恩河、因斯河、特劳恩河、斯太尔河等众多的河流孕育了当地恬静宜人的自然风光。传统的文化艺术得到了很好的保护和开发,大自然也回馈给上奥州人丰富的旅游资源。可以说,上奥州是奥地利景色最美的地区,每年都有几百万的旅游者慕名而来。南部的湖泊和阿尔卑斯山地区是游客经常到访的地区,另外也有越来越多的人去多瑙河谷和北部观光休假。多瑙河畔的林茨市,宁静而温馨。我们到达时正值当地举行文化庆祝活动, 身着传统服装的小乐队奏起热情洋溢的曲子,围观者也和着音乐的节拍手舞足蹈。人们对生活的热爱和享受被这一幕表达得淋漓尽致。以我们的概念,林茨是个小城,人口20多万,面积96平方公里,但她却是奥地利第二大城市,也是上奥州政治、文化、经济中心和重要的钢铁和化工基地。像其它欧洲城市一样,林茨也特别注重扶持中、小型企业的发展,注重采取各种环保措施,虽然是个工业城市,人口密集,但空气清新,环境优美,让人不禁“到来生隐心”。
  Upper Austria is a beautiful place. Driving from Vienna westward for several hours, one can get to Linz, the provincial capital of Upper Austria. The northern region is comprised of mountainous areas featuring granite and gneiss, while the middle region is the Danube River Valley, and the southern is the Alps Mountains. Many rivers flow across this territory: the Danube, the Inn, the Enns, the Traun, and the Steyr, give birth to the peaceful and pleasant natural scenery in Upper Austria, where traditional arts and culture have been well protected and developed.
   Such great natural beauty has given the people of upper Austria rich tourism resources, making this the most picturesque place in the nation. Every year, millions of tourists are attracted here by its reputation. The southern lakes area and Alps mountainous area are the venues that tourists most often visit. Besides, more and more people go to the valley of the Danube and the northern area for sightseeing and holidays.
   Upper Austria covers an area of 12,000 square kilometers and exercises jurisdiction over 18 districts and cities. Altogether, these provide homes for 1.4 million people. The northern mountainous area is mainly engaged in agriculture and abounds in petroleum and natural gas. Within the territory of Upper Austria, hydraulic resources are rich. Several large-sized hydroelectric stations are constructed across the Danube and its tributary, the Enns. Upper Austria is the production base of heavy industry in the nation. Pillar industries include chemicals, metallurgy, electromechanical, energy resources, building materials, papermaking, and so forth. All these make Upper Austria the most powerful province among the nine provinces of Austria in terms of industrial automatic level and economic strength. In 2003, the GDP of Upper Austria reached about 38 billion Euros, ranking it in second place nationwide.
   Shandong has a long-term friendship relationship with Austria. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1937-1945), Jacob Rosenfeld, a doctor from Austria, used to work in the Yimeng mountainous area in Shandong with the local Chinese army and civil people. His expert medical techniques and virtuous character won him eternal respect in the memory of local people.
   In his book Friendship History of Austria and China, Mr. Kaminsky, executive vice president of the Austria-China Friendship Association of Austria, devotes one entire chapter to Rosenfeld. Moreover, after careful search, Professor Kaminsky has found the actual diaries and notebooks hand written by Rosenfeld, which record the deeds of the then New Forth Army led by the Chinese Communist Party during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. In accordance with these materials, Mr. Kaminsky wrote another book entitled Rosenfeld and China. The Chinese version of this book has already been published. President Hu Jintao of China and Mr. Thomas Klestil have both written letters of congratulations on this book.
   In April 1995, the Economic Friendship Delegation of Shandong Province made a friendly visit and full inspection tour of Upper Austria. After discussing affairs concerning increased communications and cooperation, a Summary of Talks was signed. In September 1996, Mr. Li Chunting, then provincial governor of Shandong, headed a delegation to visit Upper Austria and formally signed the Establishment of Friendly Relationships between Shandong Province of the People’s Republic of China and Upper Austria of the Federal Republic of Austria.
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