
来源 :机械技术史及机械设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vismiling
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This paper presents the very constructive discussion on the role of Wasan.Japanese Traditional Mathematics in Engineering Teaching.Wasan had its origin of mathematics in Ancient.China and made amazing development in Japan as very advanced mathematics equal to western mathematics.It was widely applied to several technical areas such as map manufacture,astronomical observation and reclamation construction in the era of Edo Period.Especially,an analytical technique in search of a center of gravity of an object is explained in many old Wasan books.In these books, the Wasan method equivalent to Pappus-Guldinus theorem was used for mensuration. In this study,the authors investigated the balance problems appeared in the old Wasan books published by famous mathematician in Iwate Prefecture. This paper presents the very constructive discussion on the role of Wasan. Japanese Traditional Mathematics in Engineering Teaching. Wasan had its origin of mathematics in Ancient. China and made amazing development in Japan as very advanced mathematics equal to western mathematics. It was widely applied to several technical areas such as map manufacture, astronomical observation and reclamation construction in the era of Edo Period .Especially, an analytical technique in search of a center of gravity of an object is explained in many old Wasan books. these books, the Wasan method equivalent to Pappus-Guldinus theorem was used for mensuration. In this study, the authors investigated the balance problems appeared in the old Wasan books published by famous mathematician in Iwate Prefecture.
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上海体育学院绿瓦网球培训中心,胡开均在这里开启他的创业之路。多年的磨砺已经让他从一个揣着186块钱闯荡上海的大学生成长为一位优秀的公司领军人。    186块钱的梦想    故事得从2002年揣着186块钱的胡开均来到上海体育学院求学时说起。  因为父母都是农民,家境拮据,下了火车的胡开均兜里就剩下186块钱了,只得想尽一切办法挣钱供自己读书。为此他开始干起了各种行当,当过油漆工,发过传单,倒卖过