
来源 :机械技术史 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weishoukai
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In Japan,the inheritance of skills is a serious problem because of skilled workers decreasing.This paper reports the result of the investigation about what kinds of skills should be inherited and what kinds of roles schools and museums should play, regarding the skill succession.Many enterprises indicate that the skills to be handed down are the ones based on the five senses and many years’experience.For the method of inheritance,the training such as OJT is adopted in many enterprises,From this research,it seems reasonable to conclude as follows.In schools,it is necessary for the faculty to study the methods of converting skills into technology by analyzing the knack scientifically and teach the students the results of such research.In museums,it is important for visitors to be able to acquire knacks concretely while surveying the process of technology and studying the roles of the skills that have supported the development of technology.In order to cultivate an engineer of affluent creativity,it is important to attach the function of museum to school. In Japan, the inheritance of skills is a serious problem because of skilled workers decreasing. This paper reports the result of the investigation about what kinds of skills should be inherited and what kinds of roles schools and museums should play, regarding the skill succession. enterprises indicate that the skills to be handed down are the first based on the five senses and many years’experience.For the method of inheritance, the training such as OJT is adopted in many enterprises, From this research, it seems reasonable to conclude as it is necessary for the faculty to study the methods of converting skills into technology by analyzing the knack scientifically and teach the students the results of such research.In museums, it is important for visitors to be able to acquire knacks concretely while surveying the process of technology and studying the roles of the skills that have supported the development of technology. order to cultivate an engineer of affluent cr eativity, it is important to attach the function of museum to school.
我国的学生,存在“一个长处、三个不足”:其长处是:学生的基础知识和基本技能比较扎实。我参加过许多国际会议,各国不少教育专家都公认, Our country’s students, there ar
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