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我校地处偏远的小岛上,是一所地道的农村中学。为了谋生许多人都到城里去打工了,留下的是孩子和老人,从而导致了学校生源较差,后进生比例较大的局面。现实给我们的教育教学工作带来了很大的难度和挑战。我校所有英语教师,长年来互敬互助、互帮互学,工作热情高,师德质量好,有明确的工作 Our school is located in a remote island, is an authentic rural high school. In order to make a living, many people go to work in the city to work, leaving behind the children and the elderly, resulting in a poor student status and a large proportion of post-graduation students. Reality brings great difficulty and challenge to our education and teaching work. All our English teachers in our school have long enjoyed mutual respect, mutual assistance and mutual exchange, high enthusiasm for work, good quality of ethics and clear work
A portable dual-channel digital/analogue hybrid lock-in amplifier(LIA) is developed,and its amplitude detection error is less than 10% when the signal-to-noise
Empty bags contain their own kind of weight, is this how they weigh us down? He Xun(贺勋) plays with expectations and contradictions as he uses the peculiaritie
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AIM:To evaluate the feasibility and safety of the intraarterialchemotherapy of the liver cancer by an interventionalmethod,catheter-port system.METHODS:Thirty-
英语写作能力是英语听、说、读、写四种基本能力的综合,是英语教学中不可缺少的重要环节。听和读是领会和替别人表达思想,是从外部语言到内部语言的内化 English writing ab