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Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive disorder that affects motor neurons. It is caused by mutations in the survival motor neuron gene 1 (SMN1). The SMN2 gene, which is the highly homologous SMN1 copy that is present in all the patients, is unable to prevent the disease. An SMN2 dosage method was applied to 45 patients with the three SMA types (I-III) and to four pairs of siblings with chronic SMA (II-III)and different phenotypes. Our results confirm that the SMN2 copy number plays a key role in predicting acute or chronic SMA. However, siblings with different SMA phenotypes show an identical SMN2 copy number and identical markers, indicating that the genetic background around the SMA locus is insufficient to account for the intrafamilial variability. In our results, age of onset appears to be the most important predictor of disease severity in affected members of the same family. Given that SMN2 is regarded as a target for potential pharmacological therapies in SMA, the identification of genetic factors other than the SMN genes is necessary to better understand the pathogenesis of the disease in order to implement additional therapeutic approaches. It is caused by mutations in the survival motor neuron gene 1 (SMN1). The SMN2 gene, which is the highly homologous SMN1 copy that is present in all the patients , an is unable to prevent the disease. An SMN2 dosage method was applied to 45 patients with the three SMA types (I-III) and to four pairs of siblings with chronic SMA (II-III) and different phenotypes. SMN2 copy number plays a key role in predicting acute or chronic SMA. However, siblings with different SMA phenotypes show an identical SMN2 copy number and identical markers, indicating that the genetic background around the SMA locus is insufficient to account for the intrafamilial variability. In our results, age of onset appears to be the most important predictor of disease severity in affected members of the same family. Given that SMN2 is ideal as a target for potential pharmacological therapies in SMA, the identification of genetic factors other than the SMN genes is necessary to better understand the pathogenesis of the disease in order to implement additional therapeutic approaches.
化学反应方程式的配平是化学反应方程式的书写的关键,配平正确了化学方程式书写才会正确。我们常用的配平方法主要有以下几种:一、观察法 The calibration of the chemical
[摘要]10年前,我们开始使用“口语报告”技术研究“笨”学生。通过揭示“笨”学生的学习过程,发现他们“笨”在哪里。为此,需要教师反思自身的教育教学水平,还学生“被理解”的地位,理性选择教学方式与策略,注意研究的价值取向。  [关键词]“笨”学生;口语报告;研究  [中图分类号]G63 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1002-2384(2009)02-0013-03    研究“笨”学生的背景   
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At the18th World Congress of Neurology,5-12November2005in Sydney,Australia,Evidence-based Neurology was a hot topic,at-tracting the attention of many participan
历史不会忘记,不会忘记长征战士血染的湘江,不会忘记英雄躯体铸就的雪山,不会忘记年轻生命培育的草地,不会忘记……   1934年10月初,由于王明“左”倾冒险主义的错误领导,加之敌强我弱,中央革命根据地第五次反“围剿”战争失败。10月10日晚,中央红军开始实行战略转移。10月16日,各部队在于都河以北地区集结完毕。17日始,中央红军主力五个军团及中央、军委机关和直属部队共8.6万余人,踏上战略转移的
[摘要]仅仅是学生“爱听”的课,还不能算做一堂好课;教师要改变学生被动学习的状况,引导学生主动参与、乐于探索、勤于动手,这样才能“让每节课都精彩”。为此,我们形成了“以疑激思、以思激学”的教学风格与教学模式。教师要善于发现每个学生的潜质,积极培养,“让每个学生都精彩”。进行“单元结构教学法”和“学案导学”实验,坚持高考研究,“在开拓中追求精彩”。  [关键词]教育生活;课堂教学;研究学生;精彩