Contributions of transgenic mouse studies on the research of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arlunfly
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Transgenic mouse technology has enabled the investigation of the pathogenic effects, including those on development, immunological reactions and carcinogenesis, of viral genes directly in living organism in a real-time manner. Although viral hepatocarcinogenesis comprises multiple sequences of pathological events, that is, chronic necroinflammation and the subsequent regeneration of hepatocytes that induces the accumulation of genetic alterations and hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC), the direct action of viral proteins also play significant roles. The pathogenesis of hepatitis B virus X and hepatitis C virus(HCV) core genes has been extensively studied by virtue of their functions as a transactivator and a steatosis inducer, respectively. In particular, the mechanism of steatosis in HCV infection and its possible association with HCC has been well studied using HCV core gene transgenic mouse models. Although transgenic mouse models have remarkable advantages, they are intrinsically accompanied by some drawbacks when used to study human diseases. Therefore, the results obtained from transgenic mouse studies should be carefully interpreted in the context of whether or not they are well associated with human pathogenesis. Transgenic mouse technology has enabled the investigation of the pathogenic effects, including those on development, immunological reactions and carcinogenesis, of viral genes directly in living organisms in a real-time manner. necroinflammation and the subsequent regeneration of hepatocytes that induces the accumulation of genetic alterations and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the direct action of viral proteins also play significant roles. The pathogenesis of hepatitis B virus X and hepatitis C virus (HCV) core genes has been extensively studied by virtue of their functions as a transactivator and a steatosis inducer, respectively. The mechanism of steatosis in HCV infection and its possible association with HCC has been well studied using HCV core gene transgenic mouse models. wonderful advantages, they are intrinsically accomp anied by some disadvantages when used to study human diseases. Therefore, the results obtained from transgenic mouse studies should be carefully interpreted in the context of whether or not they are well associated with human pathogenesis.
摘 要:随着社会的日趋发展,教育的目标逐渐向培养学生的能力转变,尤其是小学语文教学,提升学生的语文素养已经成为小学语文老师的首要目标。本文通过对提高小学生语文素养进行研究,并提出建议。  关键词:小学语文;语文素养;教学  目前,在我国教育改革中重点提出了要培养学生的素质教育,因此小学语文老师把教学的中心转向培养学生语文素养上,并在教学的模式与方法中不断创新,有计划地进行语文教学。  一、 加强诵
摘 要:阅读是学生获取学习信息的重要途径,同时阅读能力也是现代人的必备素养。通过加强对学生的语文阅读教学能够锻炼学生的理解能力、表达能力,促进学生语言综合素质的发展。伴随着新课程改革的深入推进,对过去的阅读教学方法进行优化成了一项必然措施。过去枯燥、单调的阅读教学方法阻碍新课程改革的实施,同时也影响到学生在阅读当中的收获。基于此,教师要改革阅读教学策略,以新课改为指引归纳优化语文阅读教学的方法,推
摘 要:作为小学语文教学中重要的组成部分,进行高效、科学的小学语文阅读和写作教学,不但可以强化学生的语文能力,还能够提高学生的语文核心素养,对于构建高效语文课堂具有重要的促进作用。在新课改的大背景下,当前小学语文教学模式也得到了创新与发展。文中对于当前国内小学语文阅读和写作教学的现状进行简要论述,并给出契合教学的方法,以供参考。  关键词:小学语文;阅读与写作;契合方式与价值  一、 引言  伴随
摘 要:所谓的阅读是指学生与文本、与作者之间的有效对话,但是,以往我们仅是让学生简单的“读”,并没有组织学生与之进行对话,导致很多学生的阅读只是堆积文字,并不能感受文章的内涵,也感受不到作者在用词、用句上的巧妙之处。所以,素质教育下,教师要加强对话,要鼓励学生在自主阅读中形成能力,进而确保每篇文本的存在价值都能被“读”出来。  关键词:对话;阅读;作者;语句;大意  为什么加强对话是当前语文教师研