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目前有关液压缸承载能力的研究资料均认为:当输出推力时,按液压缸整体受压校核其稳定性。本文认为:液压缸输出推力时,仅活塞杆受压,而缸筒本身不受压,故不存在液压缸的变截面稳定性问题;同时为了较精确地计算活塞杆的抗压能力,必须考虑载荷偏心及配合间隙等影响。本文认为:活塞杆的失效形式是当活塞杆的危险截面上的最大应力达到材料的屈服限时,就认为活塞杆已失效,此时加在活塞杆上的载荷称为屈服载荷,而屈服载荷值恒小于临界载荷值。因此,本文建议用屈服载荷作为校核活塞杆承载能力的标志,文中给出了上述算式,并用试验结果与算例进行比较。 At present, the research data about the bearing capacity of hydraulic cylinders all think that when the thrust is output, the overall stability of the hydraulic cylinder is checked according to the overall pressure of the hydraulic cylinder. This paper argues that: when the hydraulic cylinder output thrust, only the piston rod pressure, and the cylinder itself is not pressure, so there is no hydraulic cylinder variable section stability problems; the same time in order to more accurately calculate the piston rod compression capacity, we must consider Load eccentric and with the gap and other effects. This paper argues that the failure form of the piston rod is that when the maximum stress on the dangerous cross-section of the piston rod reaches the yield limit of the material, the piston rod is considered to have failed. At this time, the load on the piston rod is called the yield load, and the yield load value Constant less than the critical load value. Therefore, this paper proposes to use the yield load as a sign of checking the carrying capacity of the piston rod. The formula is given in the paper and compared with the experimental results.
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本文将以《Java SE程序设计》课程为例,介绍成果导向教学模式在高职课程中的实施。目前,黑龙江职业学院正在大力推行成果导向教学改革,致力于让学生通过教育获得成功、感受到
AIM To evaluate this prevalence in Tuscan populations that was known and unknown to the Tuscan Regional Health Service in 2015.METHODS Tuscan Health administrat