Responses of Earthworms to Organic Matter at Different Stages of Decomposition

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zouwen111
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This study was conducted to examine the responses of earthworms to soil organic matter and litter at different decomposition stages and their contributions in litter decomposition processes in southern subtropical areas of China. Two plantations were selected as the study sites: Site I was dominated by the exotic endogeic earthworm species Ocnerodrilus occidentalis; Site II was dominated by epigeic species Amynthas corticis. After the fallen litter and earthworms were removed or expelled, four treatments were set up as: reserving the top soil (0–5 cm, equal to H layer) (H), removing the top soil and adding fresh litter (Le), removing the top soil and adding semi-decomposed litter (Li), and a control with no top soil nor any litter (CK). Five randomized blocks that were enclosed with nylon nets on the top were set up in each site, and then the four treatments were arranged randomly in each block. After 2–3 months, earthworms were collected using the formalin method. The results showed that Ocnerodrilus occidentalis preferred Treatment H though it was found in Treatments Le and Li as well; Amynthas corticis preferred Treatment Li though sometimes it also appeared in Treatment H; and Amynthas sp., another epigeic species, was mainly present under Treatment Le and only appeared in Treatment H occasionally. These findings confirmed that earthworm species belonging to different ecological groups had different responses to organic matter at different decomposition stages. The impacts of earthworm communities dominated by O. occidentalis mainly appeared at the later periods of litter decomposition. This study was conducted to examine the responses of earthworms to soil organic matter and litter at different decomposition stages and their contributions in litter decomposition processes in southern subtropical areas of China. Two plantations were selected as the study sites: Site I was dominated by the exotic Endogeic earthworm species Ocnerodrilus occidentalis; Site II was dominated by epigeic species Amynthas corticis. After the fallen litter and earthworms were removed or expelled, four treatments were set up as: reserving the top soil (0-5 cm, equal to H layer) ( Removing the top soil and adding fresh litter (Le), removing the top soil and adding semi-decomposed litter (Li), and a control with no top soil nor any litter (CK). Five randomized blocks that were enclosed with nylon nets on the top were set up in each site, and then the four treatments were arranged randomly in each block. After 2-3 months, earthworms were collected using the formalin method. The results show ed that Ocnelodrilus occidentalis preferred Treatment H though it was found in Treatments Le and Li as well; Amynthas corticis preferred Treatment Li though it it also appeared in Treatment H; and Amynthas sp., another epigeic species, was mainly present under treatment Le and only These treatments confirmed the earthworm species belonging to different ecological groups had different responses to organic matter at different decomposition stages. The impacts of earthworm communities dominated by O. occidentalis mainly appeared at the later periods of litter decomposition.
有人跑去告诉我妈:“你的巴郎子掉到河里了。”我妈不信,跑到河边一看,果然我正在水里挣扎。  这一次我实在是不想解释是为什么。水淋淋往房子跑去,一路上谁见了都在笑,还有几个小伙子在起哄,一个小孩一直跟我跑。  我妈下巴都快笑掉了。一面看着我手忙脚乱地换衣服,一面自以为很幽默地开着玩笑:“唉哟我的儿啊,河里鱼再多你也不能这样干呀!”  搞得好像她从来没有掉到河里一样。也不想想上次,她玩得比我更利索些—
尽管有关部门好几年前就三令五申不让公布高考状元和进行成绩排名,但每年的高考成绩公布后,各地的状元依然是当天各大媒体的头号新闻,每个状元和他们的家庭、学校成为记者趋之若鹜的地方。  古往今来,“洞房花烛夜,金榜题名时”都是人生最大幸事,“高中榜首”不仅能徒增荣光,也会演绎为人间悲剧。当年《儒林外史》中的“范进中举”是这样,近日四川发生的“被状元”考生也是这样。  四川富顺县的考生林浩然生长于一个普通