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目的探讨成年肌萎缩脊髓侧索硬化症(ALS)转基因模型鼠脊髓内增殖细胞的类型及分化情况。方法对ALS转基因鼠发病期进行BrdU标记,分别于不同时间点取材,冷冻切片,应用免疫荧光双标及三标染色技术检测ALS转基因鼠病变进展过程中脊髓内增殖细胞的分化情况。结果成年ALS转基因鼠发病期脊髓的中央管、灰质、白质均未检测到BrdU/DCX双标记阳性细胞和BrdU/NeuN双标记阳性细胞。灰质、白质和中央管周围检测到大量NG2阳性细胞,阳性细胞数量随病变进展逐渐减少,NG2阳性细胞多呈BrdU阳性表达;可检测到少量BrdU/A2B5双标记阳性细胞;ALS转基因鼠发病期脊髓BrdU/GFAP双标记阳性细胞较多,部分双阳性细胞呈Nestin阳性,而野生型鼠脊髓内未检测到BrdU/GFAP双标记阳性细胞。结论神经退行性病变激活ALS转基因鼠脊髓内源性增殖细胞向神经胶质细胞方向分化,未检测到向神经元方向分化,内源性增殖细胞尚不能有效地促进退行性病变的修复。 Objective To investigate the types and differentiation of proliferating cells in the spinal cord of adults with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) transgenic model. Methods BrdU labeling of ALS transgenic mice was performed during the onset of ALS transgenic mice. The frozen sections were harvested at different time points. The differentiation of proliferating cells in the spinal cord during the development of ALS transgenic mice was detected by immunofluorescence double labeling and triple staining. Results BrdU / NeuX double positive cells and BrdU / NeuN double positive cells were not detected in the central tube, gray matter and white matter of adult ALS transgenic mice. A large number of NG2 positive cells were detected around the gray matter, white matter and the central canal. The number of positive cells decreased gradually with the progression of the disease. The expression of BrdU in NG2 positive cells was mostly positive. A few BrdU / A2B5 double positive cells were detected. BrdU / GFAP double labeling positive cells more, some double positive cells were Nestin positive, but no BrdU / GFAP double positive cells detected in the spinal cord of wild-type mice. Conclusions Neurodegenerative diseases activate the endogenous proliferating cells of spinal cord of ALS transgenic mice to differentiate into glial cells. No differentiation to neurons can be detected. Endogenous proliferating cells can not effectively promote the repair of degenerative diseases.
目的 探讨学生心理健康与学校心理气氛的相关性。方法 采用随机分层整群抽样方法 ,抽取郴州市 2 7所初中教师 2 4 5人、学生 386人 ,用 SCL-90量表和学校组织健康修订量表
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