
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zx20060522
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Congenital pouch colon(CPC)is a rare malformation in which the distal part o f a shortened colon forms a dilated pouch.It is associated with an anorectal ma lformation.We report 2 patients with CPC,one with a cloaca and one with vestib ular fistula and vaginal atresia.It is the first description of CPC,vestibular fistula,and vaginal atresia.The purpose of this report was to demonstrate tha t the pouch can be split longitudinally-in analogy with Bianchi’s intestinal l engthening procedure [Bianchi A.Intestinal loop lengthening:a technique for in creasing small intestinal length.J Pediatr Surg 1980;15:145-51]-to create a v agina and to reconstruct the anorectum with preserved blood supply. Congenital pouch colon (CPC) is a rare malformation in which the distal part of a shortened colon forms a dilated pouch. It is associated with an anorectal ma lformation. We report 2 patients with CPC, one with a cloaca and one with vestib ular fistula and vaginal atresia. It is the first description of CPC, vestibular fistula, and vaginal atresia. The purpose of this report was to demonstrate tha t the pouch can be split longitudinally-in analogy with Bianchi’s intestinal l engthening procedure [Bianchi A. Intestinal recurrence lengthening : a technique for in creasing small intestinal length. J Pediatr Surg 1980; 15: 145-51] -to create av agina and to reconstruct the anctum with preserved blood supply.
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