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2015年1月23日,协会曾宪成理事长、韩立新秘书长、技术开发部李双副主任一行与国家标准化管理委员会综合业务管理部李治平处长,再次就协会开展腐植酸行业标准化工作进行了深度交流。李处长指出,国发[2014]20号文件——《国务院关于促进市场公平竞争维护市场正常秩序的若干意见》明确指出,鼓励行业协会商会制定发布产品和服务标准,参与制定国家标准、行业规划和政策法规。国家标准委全面深化改革领导小组第五次会议,专题研究了推进协会(团体)标准的试点工作。质检总局党组成员,国家标准委主任田世宏在会上明确表示,鼓励行业协会商会 On January 23, 2015, Mr. Zeng Xiancheng, Mr. Han Lixin, Secretary-General of the Association, and Mr. Li Shuang, Deputy Director of the Technology Development Department and his entourage, together with Director Li Zhiping of the Integrated Business Management Department of the State Standardization Administration Commission, once again conducted standardization work on the humic acid industry by the association Deep communication. Director Li pointed out that Guo Fa [2014] No. 20 - “Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting Fair Market Competition and Maintaining the Normal Order of the Market” clearly states that chambers of commerce of industry associations are encouraged to set standards for the release of products and services and participate in the formulation of national standards and industries Planning and policies and regulations. The fifth meeting of the leading group for comprehensively deepening the reform of the State Standardization Commission focused on the pilot work of promoting the standards of associations (groups). AQSIQ party members, director of the National Standards Commission Tian Shihong made it clear at the meeting to encourage trade associations Chamber of Commerce
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朱灵同志在《含a~b和b~a(a>0,b>0)的不等式》(本刊88年3—4期合刊)一文中(其中a,b是两个不相等的正数,以下同)指出了如下的结果: 命题Ⅰ 1)若a>b≥e,则a~bb~a (或e~e>a~b>b~
Research on the distributive characteristics in NH 4 N concentration of interstitial water in shrimp pond is presented in this paper. The results show that th