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近年来,日照一中精心培育了“和·容”文化,并以此引领学校特色发展、创新发展、和谐发展,逐步形成了“师生共同成长,人人追求卓越”的“和·容”文化特色。一、“和·容”文化特色的确立1.“和·容”文化的内涵“和者,谐也。”(三国·魏·张揖《广雅》)有和睦谐调、和衷共济之意,是一种相辅相成、共荣共生、互助共赢的状态。建设“和”文化,就是要坚持师生共同成长的理念, In recent years, Rizhao No. 1 has meticulously nurtured the culture of “and tolerance”, and has led to the development of school characteristics, innovation and development, and harmonious development, and has gradually formed a “students and teachers grow together, everyone is pursuing excellence”. “He Rong” cultural characteristics. First, the “” and “tolerance,” the establishment of cultural characteristics 1. “ and ”content “ cultural connotation ”and harmony, also. “ (Three Kingdoms Wei Zhang Yi ”Guang Ya“) harmony with harmony The concept of “mutual aid” is a state of mutual help, mutual prosperity, mutual benefit and mutual benefit. To build a ”“ and ”" culture is to uphold the concept of teachers and students growing together.
一、海峡两岸万余信众 隆重庆祝妈祖诞辰 2004年5月12日,农历三月二十三日,是海峡两岸人民一个传统的重要节日。 来自海峡两岸及港澳、海外万余名信众聚集湄洲岛天后广场,隆
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Focus on the Past of Tiexi  每次骑车去机床一厂医院看望姥姥,都要经过很多铁道路口,街两边是灰扑扑的建筑,头顶上是高耸的烟囱。有趣的是,在这样一片轰隆隆、脏兮兮的工业区里,还有一家饼干厂。  铁西区的记忆是纷乱芜杂的,到我能骑着二八自行车自在游逛的年龄,我开始有点迷恋上这片灰黑色的城区。跨越铁轨时的猛烈颠簸,管道交织的奇异景象,钢铁砖石的巨大身影,还有动物饼干的奶香味道,
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