Distribution and risk factors of hand, foot, and mouth disease in Changchun, northeastern China

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:macguys
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Hand,foot,and mouth disease(HFMD)is a public health problem,and there have been increasing numbers of outbreaks in mainland China since 2008.Over17,000 HFMD cases have been reported in Changchun between 2008 and 2011.This study characterized the temporal and spatial distribution of the disease and identified the risk factors for HFMD.The main findings were as follows:(i)there were significant differences in HFMD incidence among age groups,with 86.8%of reported cases in children younger than 5 years old,and boys showed a higher incidence than girls(6 years);(ii)The disease affected the whole region and spanned a large geographic area,but there was a higher incidence in urban areas(median=242 per 10,000 persons)and urban–rural border areas(median=135 per 10,000 persons),compared with rural areas(median=75 per 10,000 persons);and(iii)the incidence of HFMD in Changchun was significantly associated with the distance to the nearest freeway,GDP per capita,and the type of township. Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is a public health problem, and there have been increasing numbers of outbreaks in mainland China since 2008. Over 17,000 HFMD cases have been reported in Changchun between 2008 and 2011.This study characterized the temporal and spatial distribution of the disease and identified the risk factors for HFMD.The main findings were as follows: (i) there were significant differences in HFMD incidence among age groups, with 86.8% of reported cases in children younger than than 5 years old, and boys showed a higher incidence than girls ( 6 years); (ii) The disease affected the whole region and spanned a large geographic area, but there was a higher incidence in urban areas (median = 242 per 10,000 persons) and urban- rural border areas (median = 135 per 10,000 persons), compared with rural areas (median = 75 per 10,000 persons); and (iii) the incidence of HFMD in Changchun was significantly associated with the distance to the nearest freeway, GDP per capita, and the type of township.
1 病历摘要 例1:患者女,20岁。因原发性闭经而就诊。查体:外表体型正常,身高150cm,颈短,后发际低,有色素痣,双侧乳房发育尚可,乳头小而内陷。妇科检查:外阴发育差,无阴毛。B
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文章针对高等院校合并后图书馆工作的改革、目标、任务、信息资源优化重组方式、合并模式和运行机制,强调要重视文献信息资源的评价和建设高素质的人才队伍。 The article a