Book review on “Educating Elites”

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  【Abstract】As the public always keep an eye on the equality of education and involving more poor people in qualified education. I’d like to explore the opposite side: How do the upper class utilize and view their education?
  【Key words】Elite education; normal education; social and family influence; college admission
  【作者簡介】Li Xiaoxiao,Shaanxi Xueqian Normal University
  What makes me choose this book is because of my curiosity of how do elite schools cultivate so many outstanding students who could be able to attend those top universities and find their position to release their power and wisdom. After viewing the main content of the book, I found that “boarding school” has been indicated many times, which is described as the icon of elite schools. Interestingly I received my secondary education in a boarding school, where most of students came from middle or upper class. Thus my personal experience also pushes me to explore more in this topic.
  Generally speaking, there are some similarities and differences between educating elites and normal education. Both types of education require teachers to instruct students based on their individual situations. However what makes educating elites different are the complex social and family influence and the advantages which their privilege has brought to them. As the author said in the first chapter that the reason we have to “study up” is because “elite education has remained virtually unmapped terrain and remains largely outside the public and scholarly gaze” (Howard and Fernandez 2). As an international student and a student who used to living in the elite boarding school for 6 years, I feel that students of higher intelligence or wealthy family pose many problems to parents, teachers, and society, some of which are even hard to explain. Therefore it is very crucial to bring our attention to this field.
  One thing I feel interested is the curriculum in the elite school. With the solid financial foundation and the unique goal of elite schools, the curriculum seems more adaptable and variable to students. However in elite schools in China, we don’t have so many interesting and special courses because of the pressure from the same standard college admission test. In other words, the lower grade it is, the more choices it will be. Nevertheless, as the grade is growing up, those special courses and interesting activities are almost faded away from the high school period, especially those perspective college students. I’m very happy to see that nowadays China is opening more choices for students to enter college, rather than the only national college exam. Therefore elite schools could obtain more room to cultivate students and reveal their values.   Another question that I mentioned in the beginning of this book review is why there exists such a high top college admission rate for elite school students? That is to say, elite schools could provide students with ample opportunities to get access to various settings and contextualized environment to explore each student’s potential talent and refine their inferior part. I’m very impressive about the author said that if we can discover each student’s merit in each field, and assist them to get above a basic bar, then all of your students are “top” students. And they will find their position in the process of applying college and majors.
  Besides all the advantages discussed above, many tough problems also hit our attention. One of the heated questions is how do the elite students view the advantages that their privilege has brought to them. I think two reasons should be account for this phenomenon; the first one is that these students are currently far from the competitiveness produced by the society; therefore they will regard their attainment as kind of spiritual and cognitive power rather than economic foundation. The second one is that parents who have experienced various painstaking to get great achievement do not want to exert too much conscious of productive sense to their children when they are still in school, and they set their children in a path where only effort and right value play the important role.
  In conclusion, this book not only unveils the mystery of elite school where not everyone would be able to enroll, but also enhance me the ability to know how to do a self study research. This book also brings up many social problems related to educating elites, which call for the whole society to pay attention to. Even though there still left some problems and limitations for this topic, such as limit range of research recourses. I still believe more professional educators will keep exploring in order to let every child receive the best education.
【Abstract】The translation of Chinese menus plays an active role in spreading Chinese dietary culture. This paper attempts to explain to readers that (1) the translation principles of Chinese menus (2)
【摘要】阅读教学在初中英语教学中占有重要地位,目前的初中英语阅读教学中对文本分析和思考,思维的培养及提升不够重视,导致学生在阅读学习过程中无法提升思维的广度、深度和高度。培养学生的批判性思维是学生核心素养发展的基本要求,在初中英语阅读教学中培养学生批判性思维具有重要意义。本文就如何在初中英语阅读教学中培养学生批判性思维进行分析并提出切实可行的教学策略。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读教学;批判性思维 
【摘要】进入高中后,中学生生理心理不断成长。许多高中生不再像初中或小学生那样活跃,他们逐渐在课堂中只听老师说,不主动发言。“课堂沉默”现象在高中英语教学中普遍存在,这不利于学生提高学习效率,也不利于教师提高教学效率。笔者从学生学习英语的动机、兴趣、学习水平、个性及教师教学等方面,分析“课堂沉默”的主要原因。  【关键词】高中英语教学;课堂沉默;主要原因  【作者简介】方富民,绩溪中学。引言  在实
【摘要】课堂观察的主要手段是收集资料,主要方法是数据分析对比研究,最终目的是给课程改革创设高效课堂提供有力的事实依据。新课程改革过程中,高中教师扮演者衔接义务教育走向大学教育引领者的重要角色。高中英语教师的课堂教学水平和效果直接影响着学生的语言交际水平。在高中英语课堂中引入课堂观察技术,诊断教学,兼容并蓄,博采众长,必将促进高中英语课堂高效化。  【关键词】高中;英语教学;课堂观察;模仿;效率  
【摘要】微课作为一种以视频为主要载体的新型的教学方式,在当今社会已被大多数人所认同和肯定。它是以短、快、精等特点,针对某个学科知识学习方式,设计开发的一种情景化、趣味性、可视化的数字化学习或教学环节而精心设计的资源包,日益成为英语教学中重要的手段,对提高初中英语教学起着举足轻重的作用。  【关键词】微课教学;初中英语;应用  【作者简介】石晓燕(1980.8- ),女,汉族,本科,陕西省宝鸡市新建
【摘要】教师权威在教学和教育过程中十分重要,它直接影响教师引導和管理学生的成效。社会日趋民主自由使传统的教师权威逐渐失去力量,因此,在师生的会话中建立权威对引导和管理学生的需要日益凸显。本文以电影《野孩子》中在英国寄宿学校就读的美国学生Poppy与管理纪律的老师Mrs. Kingsley在办公室的对话为分析对象,通过分析师生的话轮转换,研究教师权威建立和实现的方法和技巧。  【关键词】教师权威 话
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