Book Review on 《Standardized Test—Theory, Principle and Method》

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  Abstract: The book《Standardized Test—Theory, Principle and Method》 presents different elements of Standardized Test (ST for short) from different angles, such as designing of test papers, organization of pretest, implementation of ST etc. It is really a smart book for students and teachers.
  Key words: Standardized Test; pretest; implementation; statistics
  I Introduction
  《Standardized Test—Theory, Principle and Method》 is a concise book which introduces various aspects of ST systematically. It was written by Professor Gui Shichun and published by Guangdong Higher Education Press in 1986. The whole book mainly contains 6 chapters and 3 appendices—196 pages in all.
  II Main Content of This Book
  The question how to make ST come true was raised in the late 1900s. Therefore, test designers, teachers, students and parents paid more attention to the following questions, such as what is ST, what are the characteristics of ST, how to organize ST, etc. It mainly contains 6 chapters.
  Chapter 1 states the modernization of examination in detail. Firstly, the author analyses defects of examination. For example, the examination system can not match with education system very well; there is no clear purpose of examination; the standards and requirements of designing test paper are too changeable,etc.
  Chapter 2 tries to solve the question what is ST. The author considers that there are some questions that should be paid attention to: such as clarifying the relationship between teaching and examination; clarifying the relationship between examination and evaluation; clarifying the relationship between establishment and use of standard, etc.
  Chapter 3 mainly discusses how to design a ST paper. Firstly, the author investigates by what elements the style, content and ways of test are determined respectively. Then he discusses how to design subjective and objective items appropriately. In order to avoid the disadvantage of subjective items, we’d better control the extent of its use, improve the level of designing items and the way of making paper.
  Chapter 4 introduces relevant aspects of a pretest, such as the purpose, process, organization and analysis establishing an item bank and test assembly. Among them analysis of examination questions is the center of a pretest, which includes analyzing the data from the sample paper, whether difficulty index and level of difficulty is ideal, whether power of discrimination is great enough, that is if a question could differentiate one student from another etc.   Chapter 5 presents a fairly significant phase of ST—the implementation of an examination, which includes the preparation of papers, organization of examination rooms and marking papers. A nice and clear paper is the most basic step of an examination, which could help examinees to keep a better mood.
  III Characteristics of This Book
  《Standardized Test—Theory, Principle and Method》is a useful and convenient book for the readers. In general, it has the following three characteristics:
  1. It provides plentiful and comprehensive information about ST. The author introduces and explains most of the relevant aspects of ST, including definition, designing, pretest, implementation etc.
  2. The whole book is easy to understand. In order to suit the needs of different readers, the author tries to adopt plain and pellucid words, and give typical examples and figures as many as possible.
  3. The theory, principle and method introduced in this book are of high feasibility. The author divides the whole process of ST into several operable phases, which are quite simple and convenient to apply to practice for test designers, especially for teachers.
  Ⅴ Disadvantages of This Book
  It is natural that it is not a perfect book which has no disadvantages.
  1. Some information and views are too old. Since the book was published in 1986, it is a little bit out-of-date in some aspects, especially when referring to computer technology.
  2. Some issues are too general. This book is a brief introduction of all aspects of ST, so it just gives us a general idea instead of deep description.
  Ⅵ Conclusion
  In a word, although there are some disadvantages, 《Standardized Examination—Theory, Principle and Method》 is fairly an excellent book for all the language testers, including teachers and students. As an introduction book of ST, it’s quite authoritative and precious, so we should be grateful for the author’s efforts.
  [1]桂诗春.标准化考试—理论、原则与方法 [M].广东:广东高等教育出版社,1986
  [2]王树槐,王群.《翻译教学—从研究到课堂:教师手册》评介 [J].《外国语》第1期,2006
  [3]杨仙菊.中介语语用学研究的新成果—《第二语言的语用发展》评介 [J].《渝西学院学报》第4期, 2005
[摘 要]:本文根据对师范学校的专业特点和学生的就业需求,分析建设“就业指导”课程的意义,提出了符合实际的课程建设的设计原则,并介绍了以课程为中心的实践活动。  [关键词]:上饶师范学校 就业指导课程 课程建设  上饶师范学校是一所具有70多年历史的学校,自从建校以来,上饶师范学校为上饶的中小学和幼儿园教师队伍建设做出了积极贡献,近年来,由于经济社会和教育事业的改革发展,对教师教育提出更高的要求,
摘 要 在当前的教育形式下,要真正用好教材,激活语文教学的一池春水,教师既要尊重教材又不能拘泥于教材要合理灵活地处理教材善于对教材进行加工整合。在准确理解教材设计意图的前提下根据学生的实际情况创造性地使用好现行的教材,做到立足课内、拓展课外看来,立足课内、拓展课外,抓住空白、引导发挥和科学运用、大胆取舍,开架设好学生与教材之间的桥梁才能有效地促进学生的学习实现课程标准中促进学生全面、持续、和谐发展
[摘 要]:学校的德育、体育、智育、劳动教育、美育等,都是为了实现精神人格健全发展。为此,教师在教育的过程中通过关注人的精神的启蒙、陶冶、培养和发展,从而对学生要成为怎样的一个人有所影响。在人类文明进步的过程中,文化的传播和输出能使个体和群体的生命方式及价值观念发生脱胎换骨的改变,孕育人的精神生命,激起孩子们对未来美好事物的向往与追求。班级文化建设通过班规的制定,舆论的引导,主题活动的开展等来丰富
摘 要 随着新一轮基础教育课程改革的不断推进,对教师的专业素质提出了新的更高的要求,其实,课程改革首先要改教师,因为教师是课程改革取得成功的关键。笔者由于多年的农村中学语文教学经历,对农村语文教育的现状了解较深刻,对农村初中语文教师的素质状况也有大体的把握。同时经过三年的学习,更加深刻认识到当下的农村初中语文教师的专业化发展水平确实偏低,严重阻碍了新课程改革在农村的实施。因此笔者希望通过真实地反映
摘 要 新课程标准明确提出,语文课程应致力于学生语文素养的形成与发展。小学生语文教学,因为学生是基础教学阶段,可以说是比较格式化。因此学生在有限的知识范围内,理解起来不是特别形象。特别是作文教学,因为学生的年龄特点,阅历经历少之又少,因此对生活的感悟和理解十分局限,所以想写出比较好的文章就比较苦难,因此本文从指导学生感悟生活寻找素材、到写作内容的开发、发挥学生的想象力和表达力,以及阅读和写作的结合
摘 要 校园文化建设以全体师生为主体,以建设优良的校风、教风、学风为核心,以优化美化“和爱”校园环境为重点,以学生文明礼仪培养和班级文化布置为特色,以丰富多彩、积极向上的校园文化活动为载体,形成厚重的校园文化积淀和清新的校园文明风尚,使学生在日常学习生活中接受先进学校文化的熏陶和文明风尚的感染  关键词 学校文化 和谐 博爱  学校文化建设是一项系统工程,它涵盖了学校工作的方方面面。我校秉承 “和
在中学体育课堂上,我们经常可以看到,一些学生害怕参与竞争,不敢表现自己;或者看到别的同学表演,才敢试着模仿;偶被老师点名展示,也羞怯难当,一些本该会答的问题或会做的动作,也不敢回答和展现……这,在学生中并不少见。  欲解决这些的确的心理问题,首先需要认真分析其成因:  学生胆怯心理的形成,大体居于两个方面:一是呆板、僵化的教育教学模式和方法,另二是部分教师对当今先进的体育教育理念的曲解。这里简单罗
Soft power is the phrase Joseph Nye created to describe foreign policy tools by which nations can use to achieve desired outcomes through attraction .In other words, soft power refers to attraction, a
摘 要 目前语文课堂教学中有两个值得注意的问题:一是媒体教学手段掩盖了教学的实质内容;二是偏离文本的空泛讨论脱离了语言文字。它们给课堂教学涂抹上铅华,使得教学的本来面目缺乏血色和神采,舍本逐末,课堂效率自然不高。那应该如何提高语文课堂教学效率呢?笔者结合自身课堂教学经验围绕教学目标设定、教学内容取舍、教学方法选择三个方面提出了自己的看法。  关键词 语文教学 课堂效率 提高方法  教学效率要素应包
摘 要 本文通过体育教师对学生进行的德、智、体、美四方面育人价值的探讨,希望社会及学校领导对体育教师的劳动价值进行重新审视。  关键词 体育教师 德育 体育 智育 美育  体育教师是教师队伍中特殊的一类群体,这类群体所从事的劳动区别于其他學科教师。传统观念上,人们对体育教师的育人价值的认识比较片面,就连从事学校教育的领导也没有把学校体育及体育教师放在学校发展应有的位置,以致体育教师的劳动价值没有得