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[目的]了解不同性别、婚姻状况、不同岗位、职业、职称、学历的医务人员人格特征、社会支持、应对方式的差异性及三者间的相关性。[方法]采用判断方便抽样方法,运用艾森克人格问卷、社会支持量表、应付方式量表对杭州市两家医院的87名医务人员进行测评,运用t检验及相关性统计方法进行分析研究。[结果]不同性别医务人员在主观支持因子上有统计学意义;医务人员婚否与解决问题、幻想、合理化因子和神经质维度方面差异有统计学意义;不同岗位、不同学历医务人员间人格特征、社会支持和应付方式上并无统计学意义;在职业选择中医生和护士之间在主观支持因子上存在差异;不同职称等级上在解决问题、主观支持因子上有统计学意义;医务人员的内外向维度与求助、利用度呈正相关,神经质维度与医务人员的应对方式存在显著的相关;退避因子与医务人员的社会支持情况有显著相关;客观支持和利用度与退避、幻想呈负相关。[结论]医务人员当中男性对在社会中受尊重,被理解的情感体验和满意程度都要比女性高;已婚更具有成熟的应对方式,情绪稳定性也更好;医生群体在社会中受尊重,被理解的情感体验和满意程度比护士群体高;职称越高具有更成熟的应付方式,被理解的情感体验和满意程度也要更高;好交际、热情外向和自我控制能力较好的医务人员在应激情况下能更好的利用社会支持;采取积极的应付方式能更多的获得物质、社会关系的直接援助。 [Objective] To understand the personality characteristics, social support, differences in coping styles and the correlation among the three medical staffs of different genders, marital status, different positions, occupations, titles and qualifications. [Methods] 87 medical staffs in two hospitals in Hangzhou City were evaluated by means of judging convenient sampling method, using the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Social Support Scale and Coping Styles Scale. The t-test and correlation statistics were used to analyze the data . [Results] There were significant differences in the subjective support factors among different gender medical staffs. There was significant difference in the relationship between medical staffs’ marriage and solves problems, fantasy, rationalization factors and neuroticism. Personality characteristics of medical staff of different positions and different qualifications, Social support and coping styles are not statistically significant; there is a difference in the subjective support factors between occupational choice doctors and nurses; in different grades, there are significant differences in solving problems and subjective support factors; both inside and outside the medical staff There was a significant correlation between neuroticism and coping style of medical staff. There was a significant correlation between retraction factor and medical staff’s social support; objective support and utilization were negatively correlated with retreat and fantasy. [Conclusion] Among the medical workers, men are more likely to be emotionally experienced and satisfied than those women who are respected and understood in the community. Married women have a more mature coping style and better emotional stability. The medical community is affected by society Respected and understood emotional experience and satisfaction were higher than those of nurses; the higher the title was, the more mature coping style was, and the emotional experience and satisfaction they understood were also higher; the ability of good communication, enthusiastic extrovert and self-control was better Medical staff can make better use of social support in case of stress; adopt positive coping methods can get more direct assistance of material and social relations.
恋人之间的话语是很微妙的。同样一句话,有时听起来伤人,有时听起来却很贴心。比如这一句:“其实,与我无关。”恋人兴高采烈地与你分享他的成就,你说:“其实,与我无关。”你们差不多该谈分手了。然而,这句话却曾救赎了我的一对朋友,让他们相爱许多年。  爱妮是我多年的朋友,她谈过好几次不同类型的恋爱,想找到一个终身伴侣,却相当不容易。当她的恋人发现她在创作这个领域的光彩和深度,意识到她并不只是个“教师”而已
富翁和儿子去旅游,不慎钱包被人偷走,现金被偷,便寸步难行。怎么办?他们急得团团转,富翁突然看到儿子手腕上的金表,那是儿子过生日,富翁送给儿子的生日礼物。富翁对儿子说,去当铺把金表当了,可是,他们把这个城市都遛遍了,也没找到当铺。没办法,他们就找到当地一个很富有的人家,说明情况,想把金表卖了。那户人家也是懂行的,看了金表,说,是块金表,5000元给我吧!  富翁一听拉儿子就走。他们又找到一户看样子普
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
教学内容:人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书《小学数学》五年级上册88页和89页。片段一:创设情境,揭示课题师:昨天,老师从《定西日报》上看到一则拍卖公告。 Teaching cont
因听信通过改变手掌上的事业线、爱情线、生命线的长度,能改变自己的命运,深受感情重创的她不惜花重金进行了“掌纹整形”。手术成功后,从天而降的桃花运让她喜不自禁,然而,得意忘形的她也由此掉进了命运的黑洞——  婚姻失败,恰遇掌纹整形  2012年12月的一天晚上,老公王玮明确告诉唐茜茹,他爱上了别的女人,并决绝地提出离婚,为达目的他甚至不惜开出了优厚的离婚条件:给她400万现金外加一辆奥迪和一套房子。
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必