Cell-free circulating tumor DNA in cancer

来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wukuiyuxin66666
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Cancer is a common cause of death worldwide.Despite significant advances in cancer treatments,the morbidity and mortality are still enormous.Tumor heterogeneity,especially intratumoral heterogeneity,is a significant reason underlying difficulties in tumor treatment and failure of a number of current therapeutic modalities,even of molecularly targeted therapies.The development of a virtually noninvasive “liquid biopsy” from the blood has been attempted to characterize tumor heterogeneity.This review focuses on cell-free circulating tumor DNA(ctDNA) in the bloodstream as a versatile biomarker.ctDNA analysis is an evolving field with many new methods being developed and optimized to be able to successfully extract and analyze ctDNA,which has vast clinical applications.ctDNA has the potential to accurately genotype the tumor and identify personalized genetic and epigenetic alterations of the entire tumor.In addition,ctDNA has the potential to accurately monitor tumor burden and treatment response,while also being able to monitor minimal residual disease,reducing the need for harmful adjuvant chemotherapy and allowing more rapid detection of relapse.There are still many challenges that need to be overcome prior to this biomarker getting wide adoption in the clinical world,including optimization,standardization,and large multicenter trials. Cancer is a common cause of death worldwide. Despite significant advances in cancer treatments, the morbidity and mortality are still enormous. Tumor heterogeneity, especially intratumoral heterogeneity, is a significant reason underlying difficulties in tumor treatment and failure of a number of current therapeutic modalities, even of molecularly targeted therapies. The development of a virtually noninvasive “liquid biopsy” from the blood has been attempted to characterize tumor heterogeneity. This review focuses on cell-free circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in the bloodstream as a versatile biomarker. ctDNA analysis is an evolving field with many new methods being developed and optimized to be able to successfully extract and analyze ctDNA, which has vast clinical applications. ctDNA has the potential to accurately genotype the tumor and identify personalized genetic and epigenetic alterations of the entire tumor In addition, ctDNA has the potential to accurately monitor tumor burden and treatment response, while the being able to monitor minimal residual disease, reducing the need for harmful adjuvant chemotherapy and allowing more rapid detection of relapse. There are still many challenges that need to be overcome prior to this biomarker getting wide adoption in the clinical world, including optimization, standardization, and large multicenter trials.
摘要:“买卖不破租赁原则”是我国民法中的一项重要原则,但其自产生开始,就在理论界和实践界存在争议。本文主要对产生争议的焦点进行研究,并结合本人对该原则的理解和思考,对我国的目前的立法提出可行的建议。  关键词:买卖不破租赁原则;适用条件;适用范围;抵押权  中图分类号:D913文献标识码:A文章编号:2095-4379-(2017)08-0218-02  作者简介:盛丽(1995-),女,朝鲜族,
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