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软质小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)被广泛地用于食品加工。本试验旨在研究软质小麦出粉率、蛋白质含量、和面特性以及丝切配方小甜饼直径和厚度的变异。从米歇根州9种环境条件下的重复试验中收取5个软质冬小麦品种的籽粒样品。方差分析结果表明,品种、环境以及品种×环境对出粉率、蛋白质含量、小甜饼直径及和面曲线峰高均有显著效应。只有品种对小甜饼厚度有显著(P<0.05)影响。品种和环境对和面曲线达到峰值的时间效应显著(P<0.01),而品种×环境互作对这一性状的效应不显著。Huhn的非参数稳定性统计分析表明,只有出粉率的排序稳定性有差异。品种×环境互作效应的主成份分析表明,相似的品种、地点或年份间没有表现一致的模式。每年评价几个试验点的一批重复即能获得较准确的结果。在收购籽粒时,了解品种的特性有助于预测该品种相对于其它品种的品质,而了解试验点的环境条件对于预测籽粒品质几乎无用。本研究所检测的和面特性和甜饼加工性状是软质小麦品质的有用指标。 Soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is widely used in food processing. The purpose of this experiment was to investigate flour yield, protein content, surface properties, and variation in diameter and thickness of cut cookies from soft wheat. Five grain samples of soft winter wheat varieties were collected from repeated tests under nine environmental conditions in the state of Mich. Analysis of variance showed that variety, environment and variety × environment had significant effects on flour yield, protein content, diameter of cookie and peak height of surface curve. Only variety had a significant (P <0.05) effect on cookie thickness. The time effect of variety and environment on reaching the peak value of surface curve was significant (P <0.01), while the effect of variety × environment interaction on this trait was insignificant. Huhn’s nonparametric statistical analysis of stability shows that there is only a difference in the sorting stability of the output rates. The principal component analysis of the variety × environment interaction effect shows that there is no consistent pattern among similar breeds, locations or years. Evaluating a series of repeats of several test points each year gives more accurate results. Knowing the characteristics of the variety when acquiring the grain helps predict the quality of the variety relative to the other varieties and knowing the environmental conditions at the point of test is almost useless for predicting grain quality. The instant noodle quality and cookie processing traits detected in this study are useful indicators of soft wheat quality.
采用恢复系t914与协青早A配组而成的协优914,是一个高产、稳产、抗性较强、米质优的杂交晚稻新组合,具有较好的应用前景。 It is a new hybrid late rice combination with high yield
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