
来源 :中国药物依赖性杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bfhx1314
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目的··:比较海洛因与吗啡恒河猴依赖模型。方法··:利用光镜对恒河猴海洛因及吗啡依赖形成过程中垂体、睾丸、肾上腺等器官组织进行病理形态观察。结果··:在注射海洛因3个月内,垂体从无明显病变转为个别嗜酸性细胞坏死到部分嗜酸性和嗜碱性细胞坏死;下丘脑从无明显病变转为少数神经细胞坏死;肾上腺从无明显病变转为个别束状带细胞水肿到大多数束状带细胞水肿;睾丸从无明显病变转为个别曲细精管萎缩,见成熟精子和间质细胞到大部分曲细精管萎缩到全部曲细精管萎缩,无成熟精子和间质细胞,且自然戒断3个月时垂体、睾丸的病变未得到恢复。注射吗啡3个月时,垂体仅有个别嫌色细胞水肿;下丘脑结构基本正常;睾丸仅为部分曲细精管萎缩,有成熟精子;肾上腺个别束状带细胞水肿,且自然戒断3个月时病变已恢复。结论··:海洛因依赖猴造成垂体、睾丸、肾上腺等组织器官损伤的程度比吗啡依赖猴的更重;在恒河猴海洛因依赖形成过程中,随注射时间延长,组织损伤程度加重。 Objectives: To compare heroin and morphine-dependent rhesus monkeys models. Methods · · ·: Using light microscopy of rhesus heroin and morphine dependence in the process of pituitary, testis, adrenal and other organ tissue pathological observation. Results: Within 3 months after injecting heroin, the pituitary gland changed from no obvious lesion to some eosinophilic necrosis to some eosinophilic and basophilic necrosis; the hypothalamus was changed from no obvious lesion to a few of nerve cell necrosis; the adrenal gland from No obvious lesions into individual fascicles with cellular edema to most fascicles with edema; testicular lesions from no obvious change into individual seminiferous tubules atrophy, see mature sperm and interstitial cells to the majority of seminiferous tubules shrink to All seminiferous tubules atrophy, no mature sperm and interstitial cells, and natural withdrawal 3 months pituitary, testicular lesions have not been restored. At 3 months after injection of morphine, there was only a few chromophobe edema in the pituitary; the structure of the hypothalamus was basically normal; the testes were only partially seminiferous tubule atrophy with mature spermatozoa; Month disease has been restored. CONCLUSIONS: Heroin-dependent monkeys cause more damage to pituitary, testis, adrenal and other tissues and organs than morphine-dependent monkeys. In the process of heroin dependence in rhesus monkeys, the degree of tissue damage is increased with prolonged injection time.
20 0 2年 9月 1 9日 ,山东泰山轮胎有限公司正式挂牌成立。肥城市委书记朱玉合 ,市委副书记、市长刘卫东为新公司揭牌。泰山轮胎有限公司董事长、总经理翟远新在公司揭牌仪式
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当今世界的竞争实质上是人才的竞争,而人才的竞争的关键取决于教育质量的高低,因此,教师的素养就显得尤为重要。 The competition in today’s world is essentially the co
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