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与新世纪初叶我国加入世贸组织融入全球经济一体化进程相适应,我国优秀的传统文化也开始面向世界,以开放的姿态与其他民族多元文化交流互动,形成产业化、国际化的发展格局。以李树建率团赴欧美演出《程婴救孤》、《清风亭上》等经典剧目为标识,中国地方戏第一大剧种的豫剧开始走出国门,把粗犷豪放的地方声腔艺术传播到世界各地,让不同肤色、不同文化、不同信仰的各民族观众感受豫剧醇厚的人文精神和神奇魅 In line with our country’s accession to the WTO and the integration into the global economy at the beginning of the new century, China’s outstanding traditional culture has also started to face the world. With an open attitude and other nationalities, the multi-cultural exchange and interaction have taken shape and an industrialized and internationalized development pattern has emerged. Li Shujian led a delegation to go to Europe and the United States to perform “Cheng Yau Salvation Solitary”, “Qingfeng Pavilion” and other classic repertoire as a logo, the first opera drama in China local opera began to go abroad, the bold and bold local vocal art spread to all over the world, let Different ethnic groups, different cultures, different faiths of all ethnic groups feel the rich humanity and mysterious opera
根据齿轮啮合原理 ,采用双自由度包络法 ,由双圆弧齿轮滚刀的齿面方程推导出齿轮齿面方程 ,为研究双圆弧齿轮加工中的误差因素对齿轮精度的影响提供了一种数值解法。 Accord
在透射电子显微镜下研究了热处理合金 6 90 (6 90 TT)中碳化铬晶界重合晶格 (CSL )间的特性及偏析行为。沉淀在 6 90 TT合金上的碳化铬是以富铬 M2 3C6 的形式出现。它们没有
This feature issue is the second Joint Applied Optics(AO) and Chinese Optics Letters(COL) Feature Issue on digital holography and three-dimensional(3D) imaging.
一九八三年的第三期 ,《读书》杂志刊出了赵毅衡写的《蒋希曾———一个不应被忘记的华裔作家》一文 ,首次向国内介绍了这位人们过去并不熟悉的人。同时 ,蒋希曾在江苏省南通
In this work, a method based on scanning Kelvin probe microscopy is proposed to separately extract source/drain(S/D) series resistance in operating amorphous in
Silicon junction field effect transistors(JFETs) have been exposed to Co~(60)-rays to study radiationinduced effects on their dc characteristics and noise. The