Failure modes of coal containing gas and mechanism of gas outbursts

来源 :Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tonyrice
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In order to explain the mechanism for gas outburst, the process of evolving fractures in coal seams is described using system dynamics with variable boundaries. We discuss the failure modes of coal containing gas and then established the flow rules after failure. The condition under which states of deformation convert is presented and the manner in which these convert is proposed. In the end, the process of gas outbursts is explained in detail. It shows that a gas outburst is a process in which the boundaries of coal seams are variable because of coal failure. If the fractures are not connected or even closed owing to coal/rock stress, fractured zones will retain a certain level of carrying capacity because of the self-sealing gas pressure. When the accumulation of gas energy reaches its limit, coal seams will become unstable and gas outbursts take place. In order to explain the mechanism for gas outburst, the process of evolving fractures in coal seams is described using system dynamics with variable boundaries. We discuss the failure modes of coal containing gas and then established the flow rules after failure. of deformation convert is presented and the manner in which these convert is proposed. In the end, the process of gas outbursts is explained in detail. It shows that a gas outburst is a process in which the boundaries of coal seams are variable because of coal If the fractures are not connected or even closed owing to coal / rock stress, fractured zones will retain a certain level of carrying capacity because of self-sealing gas pressure. When the accumulation of gas energy reaches its limit, coal seams will become unstable and gas outbursts take place.
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