MIFF 2008长足进步 成绩斐然

来源 :家具与室内装饰 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dfsdfsafdsfds
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尽管每年3月份,本区域有多项国际家具展览会同时期举行,然而2008年马来西亚国际家具展(MIFF 2008)的国际访客人数仍然比去年有所增加,成绩令人鼓舞。今年展会的访客总人数为19.549人,其中7.410人为国际访客,而MIFF 2007的国际访客人数为7.266人。根据主办机构所展开的调查结果显示,凡是在展会中突出卓越设计和优秀品质的参展企业,均获得了买家的青睐。除了对主办机构所提供的贴心服务表示满意之外,买家们更对MIFF 2008所展示的世界级家具发出连连惊叹! Although there are several international furniture exhibitions taking place in the region in March of each year, the number of international visitors to MIFF 2008 in 2008 is still up from last year and the results have been encouraging. The total number of visitors to this year’s show is 19.549, of whom 7.410 are international visitors, compared to 7.266 for MIFF 2007. According to the survey conducted by the organizers, all exhibitors who have outstanding design and excellent quality at the fair have won the favor of buyers. In addition to being satisfied with the attentive service provided by the organizers, buyers are even more amazed at the world-class furniture displayed at MIFF 2008!
In this paper expressions for the solution and general properties (wave energy, radiation stress, etc.) of the first-order cnoidal wave theory are given as pow
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本发射机是为“南浮一号”二期工程研制的,用它发送自动采集来的海洋水文气象数据。 一、方案的提出 传送数据信号可采用现成的单边带发射机,其中发送移频键控电报的方框图如