A review of recent progress in preparation of hollow polymer microspheres

来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:talenthers312
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The preparation methods of hollow polymer microspheres both at home and abroad are summarized,and their preparation mechanisms and developmental states are presented.These methods include the liquid droplet method,dried-gel droplet method,self-assembly method,microencapsulation method,emulsion polymerization method and the template method.Hollow polystyrene microspheres are the most extensively studied in the research of hollow polymer microspheres.Through comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of different preparation methods,it is concluded that microencapsulation method is most suitable for preparing polystyrene hollow microspheres. The preparation methods of hollow polymer microspheres both at home and abroad are summarized, and their preparation mechanisms and developmental states are presented. These methods include the liquid droplet method, dried-gel droplet method, self-assembly method, microencapsulation method, emulsion polymerization method and the template method. Hollow polystyrene microspheres are the most extensively studied in the research of hollow polymer microspheres. Through comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of different preparation methods, it is concluded that microencapsulation method is most suitable for preparing polystyrene hollow microspheres.
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