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本省各地,去冬今春雪雨较少,目前干旱现象已很严重。据3月1日测验各地土壤含水率:泾惠灌区未灌麦田2公寸深为36.44%,渭惠渠灌区未灌麦田6公寸深为45%,汉中冷惠渠灌区冬灌过的麦田2公寸内亦降低到48.8%。兴平、醴泉棉田干土层已达4.5到6.5公分。南郑县个别地区油菜已有死苗现象。最近有些地区虽然落雨,但雨量很少,远不能满足田苗生长与春耕整地的需要。目前正是小麦和其他夏田作物转青拔节,稻田育秧和棉花、早秋播前整地及山塬地区早玉米下种的紧要时期,农田急需大量水分。因此,在当前干旱严重的情况下,在全省范围内立即开展防旱抗旱,是十分必要的。特别是今年,动员全力战胜干旱,保证夏 Around the province, there is less snowfall in winter and spring, and the current drought is very serious. According to March 1 to test the soil moisture content around: Jinghui irrigated 2-inch deep irrigated wheat field was 36.44%, Weihuiqu Irrigation irrigated 6-inch deep 45%, Hanzhong Cold-water irrigation area irrigation 2 Within the standard also reduced to 48.8%. Xingping, Liquan cotton soil dry soil has reached 4.5 to 6.5 cm. Nanzheng County rapeseed in some areas have been dead phenomenon. In recent days, although some areas have fallen rain, but rainfall is very small, far can not meet the needs of field seedling growth and spring plowing. At present, it is the urgent period for wheat and other summer fields to turn green and jointed crops, rice seedlings and cotton, pre-sowing before early sowing and early corn planting in the mountain and highland areas. Therefore, in the current severe drought situation, it is absolutely necessary to carry out drought relief and drought relief within the province. This year, in particular, mobilize all efforts to defeat the drought and ensure summer
每一个人都有一个直接影响他情绪、健康和事业的上司。面对不同上司的不同态度,你该如何处理?以下几个故事,或许对你有所启迪和帮助。 经理竟然不理我 上个星期,萧丽终于将
目的 :对检验科工作环境进行HBsAg污染的调查。方法 :用ELISA(二步法 )检测HBsAg ,同时对采样标本作潜血。结果 :检验科HBsAg污染率平均 30 4% ,且与血迹污染有关。结论 :HB
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1 故障现象进行摄片曝光时 ,控制台内发出“嗡”的声音 ,观察mA表满偏 ,保险管熔断。2 故障分析及维修先将高压初级线P1、P2拆除 ,通电曝光实验 ,保险管熔断 ,未听到旋转阳极转