
来源 :陕西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:showwing
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目前,正是夏播和早秋、棉田管理的紧要时刻,做好这段工作,争取秋季有个较好收成,是全省人民最重要最紧迫的任务。由于入春以来,大部地区雨水很少,影响适时播种。最近,虽然下了几次雨,但分布很不平衡,又多系雷阵暴雨,除汉中等地区的旱象有所缓和外,陕北地区旱情还在持续,关中旱象也有发展,给晚秋播种、早秋生长带 At present, it is the critical moment of summer sowing and early autumn and the management of cotton fields. To do a good job in this area and strive for a better harvest in autumn is the most important and urgent task for the people in the province. Due to the spring, most areas have very little rain, affecting timely sowing. Recently, despite several rains, the distribution is uneven and many Torre-Ray rains are taking place. Except for the drought relief in Hanzhong and other areas, the drought in northern Shaanxi is still continuing. There are also developments in the Guanzhong Drought, giving late autumn planting, Early autumn growing belt
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分析了磁制冷的热力学原理和常用的磁制冷循环过程 ,重点评述了室温磁制冷样机的研究进展及发展前景。 The thermodynamics principle of magnetic refrigeration and the p
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