Module 2 · unit 4

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  1. Thanksgiving Day offers the Americans an opportunity to join in a spirit of fellowship and express_________ for the year’s bonuses and blessings.
  A. attention B. protection
  C. appreciation D. application
  2. For fear of unemployment, almost one million people take China’s civil service examination every year in order to get relatively_________ jobs.
  A. powerful B. mobile
  C. distant D. secure
  3. She was_________in making a list of all the jobs to be done and had no time to talk with me.
  A. employed B. trapped
  C. inspected D. exposed
  4. Students dislike teachers who pull a long face all day, which is_________ accepted.
  A. actually B. universally
  C. unexpectedly D. regularly
  5. In Angela’s Ashes, he wrote of hunger, a home flooded with rainwater and the unbearable shame of seeking_________ from charities in the Irish city.
  A. reliefs B. incidents
  C. solutions D. habitats
  6. It is just her childhood experiences that_________ her character and later life.
  A. explore B. protect
  C. affect D. simplify
  7. How I_________ him the pleasures he had when traveling in Europe during the vacation!
  A. appreciate B. admire
  C. envy D. deserve
  8. Luckily, the firefighters arrived in time and after an hour’s hard work, the fire has_________.
  A. die away B. died down
  C. put out D. put down
  9. Accidents often_________ carelessness, so we can’t be too careful when doing anything.
  A. belong to B. come into
  C. watch over D. arise from
  10. How did the Newly-elected president_________when he heard the news?
  A. respond B. threaten C. decrease D. reflect
  11. Seeing the last miner safely come out of the coal mine, the people waiting anxiously at the entrance blew out a breath_________.
  A. in return B. in addition
  C. in relief D. in peace
  12. With science and technology developing fast, we are_________ producing a society where people spend their lives in front of a screen, unable to communicate face to face.
  A. in search of B. in charge of
  C. in danger of D. in place of
  1. He came to my class every week, but his attitude suggested that he_________ in it. (interest)
  2. No one knows how the custom_________ , one hundred years ago. (come)
  3. I’m sorry that I can’t lend you my car, for it_________ . (repair)
  4. These animals__________________at such a speed that they will disappear soon. (hunt)
  5. It is good news that new functions_________, the cell phones and they are much cheaper. (add)
  6. We shall appreciate_________ again. (hear)
  7. After school we went to the reading-room, only to be told that it_________ . (decorate)
  8. Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know_________ . (contain)
一、多项选择  1. Most teenagers are interested in books about their_________ of blood and horoscope and fortune(星座运程).  A. virus B. style C. type D. model  2. Generally speaking, Chinese like red at wedding
徐迟(1914-1996),离开我们已有14个年头了。他是我的乡前辈,我自“文革”结束与他初识,他的诗作、译作、报告文学集以及自传体随笔《江南小镇》,插架在我书橱显眼处,时可翻阅。由于他的《哥德巴赫猜想》闻名于世,如今人们只知他是一个报告文学家。其实,他是一个纯粹的诗人。    徐迟的诗    最近,《海上文学百家文库》出版。作为编辑之一的陈子善教授说:“我们这一次编选,把各种风格、倾向和流派,基