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复合材料这个名词是近代科学技术迅速发展时期提出来的。主要由于空间技术,电子技术、原子能、重型机械及石油化工等的发展,对材料提出了愈来愈高的要求。例如对某一种材料要求具有高强、高模、耐高压、耐高温、高速、超低温以及轻质、高效、消音、长寿命、低消耗等中的某些综合性能时,就非现有的单一材料所能胜任,需要将两种或两种以上的材料人为地复合一起,来达到上述要求。这种新型的复合材料既发挥了各组分的特点,又克服了单一材料性能的某些缺点。就宇宙、导弹及人造卫星方面而言,对材料的要求主要是三高一低,即高强度、高模量、耐高温和低密度。所 The term composite materials was put forward during the rapid development of modern science and technology. Mainly due to the development of space technology, electronic technology, atomic energy, heavy machinery and petrochemical industry, the material has set higher and higher requirements. For example, when a certain kind of material is required to have some comprehensive properties of high strength, high modulus, high pressure resistance, high temperature resistance, high speed, ultra low temperature and light weight, high efficiency, noise reduction, long life, low consumption and the like, Materials can be competent, need to be two or more than two kinds of materials artificially compound together to meet the above requirements. This new composite not only exhibits the characteristics of each component but also overcomes some of the shortcomings of a single material. For the universe, missiles and satellites, the material requirements are mainly three highs and one low, namely, high strength, high modulus, high temperature and low density. The
In this paper, according to the features of easy distortion and scratch for aspheric plastic lens, a non-contact measuring method is raised to test error in sha
本文结合对一种光塑性材料(Cellidor B)的流变光学性能的测定,一方面给出了这种材料在变应速度ε处于7.35×10~(-61)/s~2.40×10~(21)/s范围内的流变光学性能;另一方面提出了
上海钢铁研究所研制并生产的FeSiB非晶态材料,用于城市交通自动控制电磁传感器的铁芯,效果良好。与常用坡莫合金(1J79、1J51)相比,FeSiB非晶态材料具有高磁感应 Shanghai I