
来源 :西部大开发(土地开发工程研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a542886140
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文章在综合分析边际耕地概念的基础上,结合实地调查观测综合研究了京津冀西北部区域边际耕地及其综合整治的对策。结果表明:将耕地经营者的投入-产出效益、耕地利用活动对区域环境质量和人群健康的损害状况作为边际耕地的综合评定标准;在京津冀西北部区域低等耕地绝大多数属于边际耕地,其限制性因素有气候等先天性因素、也有土壤等自然因素,更有社会经济等人为因素;边际耕地综合整治在强化耕地基础设施建设的同时,必须顾及地下水资源开发利用的持续性,还需借助土壤发生学和生态学理论,剖析区域边际耕地的主要限制性因素,采取工程技术一是消除或弱化限制因素的影响,二是运用物质循环措施尽快培肥土壤,以促进区域协调发展。 Based on the comprehensive analysis of the concept of marginal arable land, the article comprehensively studied the countermeasures of the marginal arable land and its comprehensive improvement in the northwestern area of ​​Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei with the field survey and observation. The results showed that the input-output benefit of cultivated land managers, the damage status of regional environmental quality and human health caused by cultivated land use activities were the comprehensive evaluation criteria of marginal cultivated land. Most of the low-grade cultivated land in the northwestern Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region belonged to the marginal Cultivated land has its limiting factors such as climate and other congenital factors as well as natural factors such as soil and more socio-economic factors. Comprehensive improvement of marginal cultivated land must not only strengthen the sustainable development of groundwater resources, It is also necessary to analyze the main limiting factors of the marginal arable land in the region by means of soil genesis and ecology theory. The first is to eliminate or weaken the influence of the limiting factors and the second is to use the material recycling measures to fertilize the soil as soon as possible so as to promote the coordinated development of the region .
血流异常对于DIC 的发生发展具有重要意义。当DIC 发病时可以引起全身微循环障碍,对此似无异议。但是,DIC 的发生与血液流变学因素之间关系方面的报告则甚少。特别是理工科
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<正> 马端临《文献通考·国用》五卷,以两卷的篇幅“叙历代财计首末”,以另三卷的篇幅附叙漕运、赈恤、蠲贷的情况,可以说是一部自古至宋财计支用的专史。马端临在《国用考》中,从材料的取舍,纂辑,到事件的叙述、评论,为“历代制国用者”提供了历史的“龟鉴”,鲜明地体现了他的理财思想,本文拟对此作一些粗浅的探索。