Application of ultrasonic inspection in monitoring dynamic healing of mandibular fracture in rabbit

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lytmxl
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Objective:To investigate the feasibility of ultrasonic diagnosis for monitoring fracture healing. Methods:Thirty rabbit models with fraction of mandible body were established by surgically removing partial lower jawbone.At the 1st,2nd,4th,6th,8th and 12th week after the operation, they were examined by X-ray and ultrasound,respectively.All detection results were scored according to a generally accepted standard.Spearman rank correlation analysis was conducted to explore the relationship between the results of the two inspection methods.Results:In each healing stage,the results of the ultrasonic inspection were basically consistent with those of the X-ray examination,as supported by a Spearman rank correlation coefficient of 0.892(P<0.001). Conclusions:Non-invasive ultrasonic inspection can be used instead of X-ray examination to monitor and diagnose fracture healing. Methods: Thirty rabbit models with fraction of mandible body were established by surgically removing partial lower jawbone. At the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 12th week after the operation , they were examined by X-ray and ultrasound, respectively. All detection results were scored according to a generally accepted standard. Spearman rank correlation analysis was conducted to explore the relationship between the results of the two inspection methods. Results: In each healing stage , the results of the ultrasonic inspection were substantially consistent with those of the X-ray examination, as supported by a Spearman rank correlation coefficient of 0.892 (P <0.001). Conclusions: Non-invasive ultrasonic inspection can be used instead of X- ray examination to monitor and diagnose fracture healing.
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