
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyk_csdn
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1943年,延安整风审干在进入结束阶段之际,突然发动了关门整风,进行“抢救失足者运动”。所谓“失足者”,主要指受敌人威胁利诱参加了国民党特务组织,包括在白区工作时被捕而自首叛变,又对党隐瞒了这些历史情节的人。当时,国民党在其统治区大后方实行黑暗的法西斯特务统治,许多地方党组织受到严重破坏,在闽粤赣边区就发生了南委机关被特务袭击、破坏的事物。由于这些情况,加上防奸部门又夸大了国民党特务活动的严重性,开展了一场“抢救失足者”运动。我认为,以“坦白从宽,抗拒从严”的政策,号召有隐瞒政治历史问题的人自动交代问题,放下包袱,用意并不错。但是问题在于“抢”字上,搞突击,搞人人过关。在这个时期,宣布各个机关、学校都实行关门整风,任何人未经组织批准不许外出,禁止会客、串连。为了达到“抢救”的效果,对有的机关、学校中一些有历史问题的人,以至仅仅被怀疑有历史问题或有什么嫌疑的人,都实行突击审查。这样一来,在中央党校虽然经过一年多的整风学习,又进行了审干,也不例外地进行“抢救失足者”运动。于是,对一些有政治历史问题的人,又来一次“抢救”,怀疑是否没有完全坦白交代。在 In 1943, when Yan’an rectification work was completed, it suddenly launched a rectification campaign to close the door and carry out the “Movement to Save the Volatile.” The so-called “losers” mainly refers to those who have been threatened by enemy threats and have joined Kuomintang spy organizations, including those who were arrested during the work in the White Area and surrendered themselves, and have concealed these historical plots from the Party. At that time, the Kuomintang carried out dark fascist spies under the control of the Kuomintang area and many local party organizations were severely damaged. Things that have been attacked and vandalized by secret agents in the Nanning Committee have occurred in the border areas of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi. As a result of these circumstances, coupled with the seriousness of the activities of the anti-crime and spur of the Kuomintang spies, the anti-racist department launched a campaign to “rescue the losers.” I think it is not a bad idea that those who conceal the issue of political history should automatically explain the issue and put down the burden with the policy of “admitting leniency and resisting strictness.” However, the problem lies in “grab” the word, engage in surprise, engage in cross-border. During this period, various agencies and schools were announced to close their doors and rectify their mistakes. No one was allowed to go out without permission from the organization, banning visitors and connecting people in series. In order to achieve the goal of “rescue”, surprise inspections have been conducted on some organs, some people with historical problems in schools, and even those suspected of having historical problems or suspicions. As a result, although the Central Party School passed the rectification study for more than a year and carried out a review of the cadres, it is no exception that “rescue the losers” campaign. As a result, some people who have political and historical issues come to “rescue” again and wonder if they have not fully confess. in
阐述了目前我国风险投资发展中存在的主要问题,在借鉴发达国家经验的基础上指出了我国风险投资业发展的对策思路。 It expounds the main problems in the current developm
1  强子耷拉着脑袋,什么也不说。每次挨老师的训,他都是这个样子。任你一顿狂批,然后我行我素。林老师发脾气是根本镇不住他的。因为她比强子大不了几岁。  “花家里的钱来上补习班,却全程打游戏,你走吧。”林老师挥了挥手,下了逐客令。  教室里空了。林老师突然觉得好累,好失败。  她做家教在当地还有点名气。十天前,几个家长替孩子报了她办的补习班,其中最积极的就是强子的妈妈。她掏出破旧的钱夹,一五一十地给