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加强科技教育,是全面实施中小学素质教育的需要。随着11月的来临,“科技节”、“科技月”再次走进了校园。好何使这项少先队传统活动常搞常新?如何让队员们真正了解科学、走近科学?如何上科学不再高不可攀,变得生动有趣?带着定连串的问号,记者日前来到了北京市丰台东高地第一小学,并在这所普通学校里找到了答案东高地第一小学地处国家航天部一院,有着得天独厚的地理位置和周边环境。学生大多为知识分子家庭,家长十分注重孩子的智力发展。然而,学校领导和教育者们也发现,队员们虽然勤奋好学、聪明伶俐,但动手能力和实践创新能力相对薄弱。如何充分利用校内外教育资源,引导队员们从小学科学、爱科学、用科学,培养他们尊重科学、崇尚科学的思想,全面提高他们的科学文化素养,成为新时期教育者们十分关注并深入思考的一个问题。为此,在2002年“科技节”来临之际,学校少先队大队决定在全校范围内大力开展科技教育活动。于是,以“向问号挑战”为主题的科技活动应运而生。活动以提出问题、分析问题、解决问题为主线,以探究性活动为载体,以观察、 To strengthen science and technology education is the need for the full implementation of quality education in primary and secondary schools. With the advent of November, Science and Technology Festival and Science and Technology once again entered the campus. How to make this young pioneer traditional activities often make new? How to make players truly understand science, approaching science? How science is no longer impossible to become lively and interesting? With a series of question marks, reporters recently To Beijing Fengtai East Highland Primary School, and in this ordinary school found the answer East Highland First Primary School is located in the National Aerospace Department of a hospital, has a unique geographical location and the surrounding environment. Most of the students are intellectuals. Parents pay great attention to their children’s intellectual development. However, school leaders and educators also found that team members, though studious and clever, were relatively weak in hands-on and practical innovation. How to make full use of the educational resources both inside and outside the school to guide the students from science, science and science in primary school, to cultivate their respect for and respect for science, and to improve their scientific and cultural accomplishments in an all-round way, so that educators in the new era pay great attention and think deeply A problem To this end, in 2002, “Science and Technology Festival” approaching, the Young Pioneers school decided to vigorously carry out science and technology education activities within the school. As a result, science and technology activities with the theme of “Challenge Question Marks” came into being. Activities to raise questions, analyze problems, solve problems as the main line to explore the activities as a carrier to observe,
教学目标   1.了解生活垃圾问题的产生与发展;感知环境问题带来的危害。   2.了解垃圾分类和身边废物再次利用的例子,从而改变浪费资源的生活方式。   3.树立变废为宝的环保意识,学会从身边做起,减少浪费,并能采取适当的措施保护环境。     教学重难点  初步学习给垃圾分类,能够从身边做起,采取措施保护生态环境。     课前准备  1.教师准备:课前调查表、课件、有关图片等。  2.学生准备
目的 为进一步确定急性心肌梗塞后左室重构发生的时间,以及心肌梗塞对收缩与舒张功能的影响.方法 本研究用彩色多勒超声心动图对58例(164人次)心肌梗塞患者的心脏结构、左室
患者女,33岁。因突发胸骨后剧痛5小时,于1998年2月6日住院。1994年发现血小板为500×109/L,无任何症状。体检:血压90/60mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa),口唇轻度发绀,皮肤粘膜无出血症象,心率110次/分,脾肋下约0.5c... Female patient, 33 years old.
小学数学教师在教学中首先培养学生的自学能力,逐步达到不用教的境界。而在学生诸多的能力培养中,学生自学能力的培养显得尤为重要,下面就如何培养学生的自学能力谈一 Prima
前言 初见互联网,很多人都有“惊艳”的感觉,就像原本没什么诗意的人初次面对大海时情不自禁便要抒怀。打算在互联网上做点事情的人也太多了。一个接一个令人半信半疑的互联
目的 :探讨中性粒细胞粘附分子CD18(PMNCD18)在大鼠创伤性休克早期的动态变化及盐酸纳洛酮 (NLX)的治疗作用。方法 :动物模型采用软组织损伤加颈动脉放血法 ,采用流式细胞仪