
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shifujia
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Complete excision is not always easy when a keratoacanthoma is large or locat ed in certain anatomic areas. An effective nonsurgical treatment would be desira ble in such cases. This was a pilot study of the effects of intralesional interf eron alfa- 2b in the treatment of rapidly growing keratoacanthomas. A total of 4 large, rapidly growing keratoacanthomas, which were located on the lower lip, neck, and cheeks of the 4 different patients, were treated with intralesional in terferon alfa- 2b injection weekly. Serial photographs were taken to observe th e course of responses. All lesions resolved completely in 5 to 7 weekswith accep table cosmetic results. Intralesional interferon alfa-2b can be a treatment mo dality of these difficult lesions. Complete excision is not always easy when a keratoacanthoma is large or locat ed in certain anatomic areas. An effective nonsurgical treatment would be desira ble in such cases. This was a pilot study of the effects of intralesional interf eron alfa-2b in the treatment of A total of 4 large, rapidly growing keratoacanthomas, which were located on the lower lip, neck, and cheeks of the 4 different patients, were treated with intralesional in terferon alfa- 2b injection weekly. Serial photographs were taken to observe th e course of responses. All lesions resolved completely in 5 to 7 weeks with acceptable cosmetic results. Intralesional interferon alfa-2b can be a treatment mo dality of these difficult lesions.
1.什么叫铸铁?它分为哪几种? 含碳量小于2%的铁碳合金称为钢。含碳量大于2%的铁碳合金称为铁。用铁矿石经高炉熔炼出来的铁称为生铁。生铁再经过化铁炉重熔后,铸成铸件的材料
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