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课程改革的步步深入使课堂教学出现了可喜的变化:教师“独霸课堂”的现象大为改观,学生主体地位得到较好落实,课堂呈现出新的生机和活力。然而,矫枉难免过正,突出了“学生主体”,“教师主导”却又有失落的现象:课堂上,有的教师让学生“见仁见智”地发表见解,自己却成了“旁观者”,对学生的思维偏差不进行引导,对学生学习中出现的错漏不予纠正,对学生探究的结果不进行总结,一切皆由学生说了算,学生的“自主”演化成了“放任自流”;有的重视了“突发性”的生成,却忽略了课前的预设,使课堂教学成了“临时抱佛脚”;有的瞻前顾后,缺乏根据课堂教学生成情况进行适时调控的意识和能力,课堂教学“信马由缰”,“走到哪黑就在哪歇”,偏离了预定的目标;有的也进行了引导,但仅停留在表面上,学生的思维没有得到拓展和深化,教师没有起到“促进者”的作用,课堂教学沦为“机械重复”;有的被多媒体牵着鼻子走,教师成了多媒体的“奴隶”……面对这样的课堂,我们不禁要问:教师哪去了?我们的基础教育正经历着前所未有的变革,在这巨大的变革面前特别是变革的初期,出现这些现象是在所难免的,从某种意义上说也并非坏事,因为它说明了教师观念在变、课堂在变,但我们决不能忽视这些现象中隐藏的问题,更不能任其发展,从而使课程改革 The step by step reform of the curriculum has made the teaching of the classroom a welcome change: the phenomenon of the teacher “dominating the classroom” has been greatly improved, the student’s subject status has been well implemented, and the classroom has shown a new vitality and vitality. However, overcorrection is inevitable, highlighting the “student subject”, “teacher-led” but there are the phenomenon of loss: In class, some teachers make students “opinionated” to express their views, they became “onlookers” The student’s thinking deviation is not guided, the student learning errors and omissions not to be corrected, the results of student inquiry are not summarized, everything is calculated by the students, the student’s “autonomy” evolved into a “laissez-faire”; Some pay attention to the “sudden” generation, but ignore the pre-class prerequisites, so that classroom teaching has become “temporary cuddly”; some foresight, the lack of timely regulation and control according to the situation of classroom teaching awareness and ability, Teaching “relying on the reins”, “Where is the black where to go,” deviated from the intended goal; some also conducted a guide, but only stay on the surface, the students did not expand the thinking and deepening, the teacher did not play “ Facilitator ”role, class teaching reduced to“ mechanical repetition ”; some were led by the multimedia nose, the teacher became a multimedia“ slaves ”... In the face of such a classroom, we can not help asking: Where did the teacher go? I Basic education is experiencing unprecedented changes in the face of this huge change, especially in the early stages of change, these phenomena are inevitable, in a sense it is not a bad thing, because it shows that the concept of teachers is changing, The classroom is changing, but we must not ignore the hidden problems in these phenomena, let alone their development, so that the curriculum reform
《普通高中物理课程标准》“高中物理课程应促进学生自主学习,让学生积极参与、乐于探究、勇于实验、勤于思考.”学生获取知识的过程是一个建构的过程,在教师的引导下,通过学生的大脑去独立思考、探究、交流、学习,不断发现事物变化的起因和内部联系,从中找出规律,进而实现高质、高效课堂教学的目的.  一、课堂探究有效性的方向  课堂探究的程度要适合于各层次的学生,要针对具体的内容、具体的学习环节制订,只要学生积