Depinning Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Charged Colloids on a Random Laser-Optical Substrate

来源 :Communications in Theoretical Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:happytower
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Using Langevin simulations, we investigate the depinning dynamics of two-dimensional charged colloids ona random laser-optical substrate. With an increase in the strength of the substrate, we find a transition from crystal tosmectic flows above the depinning. A power-law scaling relationship between average velocity and applied driving forcecould be obtained for both flows, and we find that the scaling exponents are no bigger than 1 for the crystal and arebigger than 1 for the smectic flows. Using Langevin simulations, we investigate the depinning dynamics of two-dimensional charged colloids ona random laser-optical substrate. With an increase in the strength of the substrate, we find a transition from crystal tosmectic flows above the depinning. A power-law scaling relationship between average velocity and applied driving force can be for both flows, and we find that the scaling exponents are no bigger than 1 for the crystal and arebigger than 1 for the smectic flows.
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