
来源 :黑龙江畜牧兽医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingshilin
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为了使“土壤养分丰缺指标法”之不同丰缺级别土壤适宜施肥量的确定变得简易便捷,利用“养分平衡-地力差减法”确定适宜施肥量的新应用公式[适宜施用养分量=(1-缺素处理相对产量)×目标产量作物移出养分量÷养分当季利用率],结合测土施肥土壤有效养分丰缺分级改良方案(均等化各丰缺级别的缺素处理相对产量跨度为10%,以95%作为最高丰缺级别的缺素处理相对产量下限),建立了氮、磷和钾不同丰缺级别土壤、在若干肥料利用率情形下、以目标产量作物移出养分量作为变量的适宜施肥量检索表,并以上述3个适宜施肥量检索表为依据,分析了适宜施肥量与目标产量作物移出养分量、肥料当季利用率、缺素处理相对产量、土壤有效养分丰缺级别之间的线性相关关系,探讨了土壤养分收支平衡点及其与肥料利用率的关系、缺素处理相对产量和土壤有效养分丰缺级别的终极趋向点及其与土壤养分收支平衡点的关系。 In order to make it easy to determine the suitable fertilizing amount of different abundance level soil in “Index of Soil Nutrient Abundance and Index Method”, a new application formula of suitable fertilizing amount was determined by “Nutrient Balance - Soil Subtraction Method ” [Appropriate application Nutrient quantity = (1-deficiency treatment relative yield) × target crop yield removal nutrients / quarterly utilization of nutrients], combined with soil fertilization soil effective nutrient abundance classification improvement program (equal abundance levels of lack of treatment Relative yield span of 10% and 95% as the relative abundance limit of the deficit treatment with the highest abundance and deficiency level), soils with different abundance levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were established and the crop was removed with the target yield under the condition of a certain amount of fertilizer utilization rate Nutrient content as variables, and based on the above three suitable fertilizers search tables, analyzed the appropriate amount of fertilizer and target crop crop removal nutrients, fertilizer seasonal utilization, the relative yield of lack of treatment, soil Effective nutrient abundance level of the linear correlation between the discussion of the balance of soil nutrient balance and its relationship with the utilization of fertilizers, the relative yield of lack of treatment and soil available nutrient abundance level The ultimate point of the trend and its relationship with soil nutrient break-even point.
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