Vascular endothelial growth factor before and after locoregional treatment and its relation to treat

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Objective:To evaluate vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF)levels in hepatocellular carcinoma patients before and after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization(TACE)and percutaneous ethanol injection(PEI)and its relation to treatment response.Methods:A total of 40 patients with unrespectable hepatocelluar carcinoma were assessed clinically.Twenty patients were suitable to be treated by TACE,while other 20patients were treated with PEI.Serum VEGF levels were measured before and 1 month after each procedure by ELISA.Response was assessed after 1 month according to Union Internationale Contre le Cancer evaluation criteria based on change in tumor size as measured by ultrasound.Results:There was no significant difference between TACE and PEI groups with regard to age,sex,tumor size,response to local therapy,or VEGF and alpha-fetoprotein before and after therapy.VEGF levels after TACE were significantly higher than before TACE[(298.1±123.6)pg/m L vs.(205.8±307.3)pg/m L;P=0.001].Also,VEGF levels were significantly higher after PEI than before PEI[(333.8±365.6)pg/m L vs.(245.3±301.8)pg/m L;P=0.000].Non-responders of both groups had significantly high VEGF levels than responder’s,both before[(985.0±113.2)pg/m L vs.(117.1±75.3)pg/m L;P<0.001]and after therapy[(1 330.6±495.7)pg/m L vs.(171.0±94.7)pg/m L;P=0.000)].Conclusions:Both TACE and PEI were associated with an increase in serum VEGF in hepatocelluar carcinoma patients.Higher levels of VEGF before and after therapy were found in non-responders,suggesting that VEGF is a useful marker in predicting treatment response. Objective: To evaluate vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels in hepatocellular carcinoma patients before and after transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) and percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) and its relation to treatment response. Methods: A total of 40 patients with unrespectable hepatocelluar carcinoma were assessed clinically.Twenty patients were suitable to be treated by TACE, while other 20patients were treated with PEI. Serum VEGF levels were measured before and 1 month after each procedure by ELISA. Response was was after 1 month according to Union Internationale Contre le Cancer evaluation criteria based on change in tumor size as measured by ultrasound. Results: There was no significant difference between TACE and PEI groups with regard to age, sex, tumor size, response to local therapy, or VEGF and alpha-fetoprotein before and after therapy .VEGF levels after TACE were significantly higher than before TACE [(298.1 ± 123.6) pg / m L vs. (205.8 ± 307.3) pg / m L; P = 0.001] EGF levels were significantly higher after PEI than before PEI [(333.8 ± 365.6) pg / m L vs. (245.3 ± 301.8) pg / m L; P = 0.000] .Non-responders of both groups had significantly high VEGF levels than responder’s , both before [(985.0 ± 113.2) pg / m L vs. (117.1 ± 75.3) pg / m L; P <0.001] and after therapy [(1 330.6 ± 495.7) pg / m L vs. (171.0 ± 94.7) Pg / m L; P = 0.000)]. Conclusions: Both TACE and PEI were associated with an increase in serum VEGF in hepatocelluar carcinoma patients. Hile levels of VEGF before and after therapy were found in non-responders, suggesting that VEGF is a useful marker in predicting treatment response
【教学内容】课程标准实验教科书《数学》(北师大版)第十册。  【结尾设计】  (离下课还有五六分钟,教师不失时机地进行知识的拓展和延伸)  师:同学们,本节课你们有什么收获?  生1:我认识了百分数。  生2:我学会了百分数的读法和写法。  师:你们有什么新想法吗?  生:有没有十分数呢?  师:有哪位同学知道吗?  学生一片沉默。  师:我们到商场买东西,常会看到商品降价时怎么说?  生:打折。
【教学内容】课程标准实验教科书《数学》(北师大版)三年级下册。  【结尾设计一】  师:今天我们认识了分数,你能结合生活实际,用分数来说一句话吗?  生1:一个苹果把它平均分成3份,一份可以说成1/3。  生2:我们把一张纸平均分成4份,一份就是1/4。  生3:我过生日的时候,把蛋糕分成了8块,我吃了1块就是1/8。  师:如果吃了两块呢?  生4:2/8。  师:3块呢?4块呢?如果我都吃了可
本志由袁锋及周尧二位教授编著。科学出版社 2 0 0 2年 3月出版。ISBN 7 0 3 0 0 9882 X Q .1 1 1 5。xix+ 5 90页 ,彩色图版 4幅。售价 :人民币 1 1 2 .0 0元。全书分为序、前言、
一、起源    所谓教育叙事研究,是指在教育背景中包含任何类型的叙事素材的分析研究。研究者以叙事、讲故事的方式表达对教育的理解和解释。它不直接定义教育是什么,也不直接规定教育应该做什么,它只以教育故事的形式,让读者从故事中体验教育是什么或教育应该做什么。一个完整的教育叙事研究要包括:主题事件;解决问题的具体过程,如当时的所思所想,最后如何解决的;对整个事件的反思,从事物表面提炼出所蕴涵的深层次意义
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