Analysis of SSR in Citrus Sequences from EMBL Database

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:collinne
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Abundance of simple sequence repeat (SSR) in Citrus sequences from EMBL database was investigated by usingcomputer program MISA (MIcroSAtellite), which aimed to provide useful information for the development of SSR markers.Among 32 896 sequences of Citrus, 4 987 SSRs were found in 4 167 sequences and the average distance between SSRs wasapproximately 3.5 kb. Mononucleotide repeats (50.6%) were the most abundant repeats. And di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- andhexa-nucleotide repeats were 22.8, 25.2, 1, 0.08, and 0.36%, respectively. The most abundant motif was A/T followed indescending order by AG/CT, AC/GT, AT/TA. AAT/ATT, AAG/CTT, AGC/CGT, ACG/CTG and C/G. They comprised about90% of all microsatellites. Ten primer pairs were designed, and three of them produced clear visible bands among Citrusand its related genera. Abundance of simple sequence repeat (SSR) in Citrus sequences from EMBL database was investigated by using computer program MISA (MIcroSAtellite), which aimed to provide useful information for the development of SSR markers. Among 32 896 sequences of Citrus, 4 987 SSRs were found in 4 167 sequences and the average distance between SSRs wasapproximately 3.5 kb. Mononucleotide repeats (50.6%) were the most abundant repeats. And di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- andhexa-nucleotide repeats were 22.8, 25.2, AAT / ATT, AAG / CTT, AGC / CGT, ACG / CTG and C / G. They comprised about 90% of all microsatellites. Ten primer pairs were designed, and three of them produced clear visible bands among Citrus and its related genera.
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