Growth of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes on Large Scale by Methane Decomposition with Deactivation Inhibit

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Rqs_ToT
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The effects of additives containing iron or nickel during chemical vapor deposition(CVD)on the growth of carbon nanotubes(CNTs)by methane decomposition on Mo/MgO catalyst were investigated. Ferrocene and nickel nitrate were introduced as deactivation inhibitors by in-situ evaporation during CVD. The precisely controlled in-situ introduction of these inhibitors increased the surface renewal of catalyst, and therefore prevented the catalyst from deactivation.Using this method,aligned multi-walled CNTs with parallel mesopores can be produced on a large scale. The effects of additives containing iron or nickel during chemical vapor deposition (CVD) on the growth of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) by methane decomposition on Mo / MgO catalysts were investigated. Ferrocene and nickel nitrate were introduced as deactivation inhibitors by in-situ evaporation during CVD. The precisely controlled in-situ introduction of these inhibitors increased the surface renewal of catalyst, and therefore prevented the catalyst from deactivation .Using this method, Using this method, aligned multi-walled CNTs with parallel mesopores can be produced on a large scale.
写作这些年,感触颇深,在湖南教学那段时间尤甚。很多学生自己都搞不明白,为什么读了那么多杂志,那么多书,还是不能把作文写好。  我起初也觉得奇怪,后来时间久了,才发现问题所在。原来很多学生一直在进行的,都是无营养阅读。  按照常理来说,阅读量足够的人,写作能力不说多么高超也不会差到哪里去。因为大家都知道,阅读是写作的命脉。没有阅读,也就没有了输入,没有了积累。一个没有什么积累,没有什么内在存储的作者
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