
来源 :职业技术教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tcy789
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管理是一门科学,有效的管理能够起到决策、组织、领导、控制的作用。在环境科学中,环境管理被定义为是按经济规律和生态规律,运用行政、经济、法律、技术、教育和新闻媒介等手段,通过全面系统地规划,对人们的社会活动进行调整和控制,达到既要发展经济满足人类的基本需要,又不超过环境的容许极限。在实施环保型职业学校管理的过程中既要符合环境管理概念的要点,又要结合职业学校的特点, 采取有针对性的环保型职业学校的管理。 Management is a scientific and effective management can play the role of decision-making, organization, leadership and control. In environmental science, environmental management is defined as a process of adjusting and controlling people’s social activities through comprehensive and systematic planning based on economic and ecological laws, using such means as administration, economy, law, technology, education and the media. To achieve both the economic development to meet the basic needs of mankind, but also does not exceed the allowable limit of the environment. In the process of implementing the environmental protection vocational school management, it is necessary to meet the key points of the concept of environmental management and to take the management of the environment-friendly vocational school in accordance with the characteristics of the vocational school.
Background Congestive heart failure (CHF) is associated with Cheyne-Stokes respiration (CSR), which may hasten CHF. Adaptive servoventilation (ASV) is a novel m
Aims: Negative emotions have an adverse effect on cardiac prognosis. We inves tigated whether social inhibition(inhibited self-expression in social interaction)
本文综述了牛锥虫病的病原学、临床症状、流行病学、病理变化,总结了牛锥虫病的诊断方法,并结合目前养牛业生产实际提出了本病的防治对策。 This article reviews the etiol
RFID技术被越来越多的图书馆所青睐。本文列举新技术应用前后的基础服务方式,分析了读者和馆员适应情况及其应对方式,探索了新技术应用后图书馆服务转型的实践对策。 RFID t