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人类对江山大河等自然景观和云、雨、风、雪等自然现象的认识和感受在不断深化,并且把它们人文化,南朝画家宗炳在《画山水序》中就已指出山水画的功能就是为了“畅神”。人们同山水河流就有了一种特殊的情感联系,山川物象寄托了作者的思想和愿望,人类通过对大自然的研究、对其了解的越深、对自身的感悟就越深,人和山水的关系相依相恋、不得分舍。人类的审美价值观和山川江河之美融为一体,一幅幅充满画家情感的山水画显现画幅之中,表现出“咫尺之内,而瞻万里之遥,方寸之中,乃辨于寻 Human beings are constantly deepening their understanding and feeling of the natural landscape such as rivers and mountains, and the natural phenomena such as clouds, rain, wind and snow, and have also pointed out the function of landscape painting in their paintings of landscapes by Zong Bing In order to ”Cheongsam“. People have a special emotional connection with the rivers and streams. The images of mountains and rivers have pinned the author’s thoughts and aspirations. The deeper their understanding of mankind through the study of nature, the deeper its own perception and the fact that people and landscapes The relationship depends on fellowship, not sub-homes. The aesthetic value of mankind and the beauty of mountains and rivers blend into one, and the landscape paintings full of painter’s emotions are displayed within the frame of the painting, showing ”within a few inches of each other,
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针对护理期刊的专业特点和行业特色,确立期刊广告经营的方法和模式,指出目前杂志广告经营中遭遇的尴尬和问题,并提出对杂志广告经营的几点设想。 According to the professi