
来源 :广州教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cuileidan
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从现代教育的发展趋势来看,幼儿教育已经摆在越来越重要的地位,无论是提高整个民族的素质,还是培养各类人才,都要从幼儿阶段开始打基础。幼儿教育是一个综合的、整体的教育,其中语言教育占有十分重要的地位。幼儿智力的发展,核心是思维的发展,而语言则是思维的工具,是儿童整个智力发展的基础。广州市是一个开放得较早的城市之一,为了查明在开放的条件下,当代幼儿语言,首先是词汇发展的特点及其趋向,探讨幼儿语言教育的对策,我市幼儿口语调查小组,1979年曾对三百二十四名三岁至六岁的在园幼儿,在自然条件下进行连续三天的口语记录。并对六名不同职业家庭、不同类型幼儿园的幼儿,进行了为期三年的跟踪记录。1984年我们又采取分层随机抽样的办法,对不同幼园的幼儿进行观察和个别交谈,对前面所调查的材料进行验证补充和修正。本文仅就这些调查材料作粗浅的分析,提出一些不成熟的看法和建议。 From the perspective of the development of modern education, early childhood education has become more and more important. Whether it is raising the quality of the entire nation or cultivating all kinds of talents, we must start from the early stage of childbirth. Early childhood education is a comprehensive, integrated education, of which language education plays a very important role. The development of children’s intelligence, the core is the development of thinking, and language is a tool for thinking, is the basis for the development of children’s entire intelligence. Guangzhou is one of the cities that are open earlier. In order to find out the contemporary children’s language under the condition of openness, the characteristics and trends of vocabulary development are discussed first, and the countermeasures of children’s language education are discussed. In 1979, three hundred and twenty-four on-campus children between the ages of three and six were recorded under natural conditions for three consecutive days. He also conducted a three-year tracking record of six children of different occupations and different types of kindergartens. In 1984, we adopted a stratified random sampling method to observe and talk individually to young children in different kindergartens. The materials investigated in the previous study were supplemented and amended. This article only for these superficial analysis of the survey material, put forward some premature views and suggestions.
据新华网报道,河南省漯河市中级人民法院2月1日对杨新海抢劫、故意杀人、强奸、故意伤害一案依法进行了审理。杨新海一审被判处死刑。 According to Xinhua News Agency rep
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