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随着社会环境的不断改变,社会经济的不断发展,科技技术的不断进步,各行各业的企业也在不断发展的过程中意识到人才对于现阶段在竞争日益激烈的社会中占据的重要意义,因此,结合高科技技术进行培养人才是企业快速发展的有效途径。网络教学主要是依靠计算机技术,将网络上的信息资源进行合理、充分的运用和展现,为现代化的培养机构创建了有效的通道。伴随着网络教学的发展,油田企业也开始重视在培养人才的过程中应用网络技术,以此培养出的人才更具有现代意义。目前的油田企业正处于一个新的发展阶段,在发展的过程中面对着众多的挑战,加大对工作人员的培训力度,改善培训制度,提升培训机构的能力,是促进油田企业发展的有效途径。因此,网络教学的培训形式成为油田企业研究的重要课题。 With the constant changes of social environment, the continuous development of social economy and the continuous improvement of science and technology, enterprises in all walks of life are also aware of the importance of talent in the increasingly competitive society at this stage, Therefore, the combination of high technology to train qualified personnel is an effective way for the rapid development of enterprises. Network teaching is mainly rely on computer technology, the network of information resources for a reasonable and full use and show, for the modernization of the training institutions to create an effective channel. With the development of network teaching, oilfield enterprises have also begun to attach importance to the application of network technology in the process of training their talents, so that the personnel trained in this field have more modern significance. At present, the oilfield enterprises are in a new stage of development. They face many challenges in the process of development. Increasing the training of staff, improving the training system and enhancing the training institutions’ ability are the effective measures to promote the development of oilfield enterprises way. Therefore, the training mode of online teaching has become an important topic for oilfield enterprises.
澳大利亚南方水电公司对维多利亚州Eildon和McKayCreek两座水电站进行了改造和增容 ,Eil don电站两台 2 0世纪初安装的水轮机在停运 4 4a之后恢复了运行 ,McKayCreek电站的装
如果不是在北戴河的最后一个早晨遇到了那位钓螃蟹的老者,我一定会带着对北戴河人不好的印象回北京。那天早晨要回北京,起床后,再到海边溜达一圈。儿子还小,对动物感兴趣, I
内蒙古雅海能源有限公司LNG项目,位于鄂托克前旗综合产业园,占地面积26.67万m2,总建设规模为年产60万t LNG,总投资10亿元。分两期建设,其中一期建设规模30万t/a,总投资5.1亿
各位代表、各位来宾: 辽宁省图书馆学会第三次会员代表大会经过筹备,今天正式开幕了。辽宁省图书馆学会第二届理事会自1985年10月10日换届以来,已经五年多了。根据学会《章