
来源 :档案工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:andymei
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四化建设的飞速发展,当代新技术革命的挑战,知识更新速度的加快。档案种类和数量的激增,对档案工作者的素质要求越来越高。因此,我认为当今一个合格的档案工作者还必须有以下几种素质。 (一)敏锐的政治嗅觉。档案工作既是一项服务于四化的工作,因此,档案工作对当前政治形势的分析和预测应该是敏感的,对现行的政策应该是了解的,对经济,科学文化事业的发展趋势应该是熟悉的,档案工作者应更多地关心,了解社会政治、经济形势及其带来的变化;档案馆、室的管理人员应适应这一变化,及时将提供利用的各项工作做在前头,预测政治利用、学术利用、实际利用的各种需求,不失时机地提供原始的或经过加工的档案资料为各方面服务。因此,档案工作者不应该只是所谓政治上可靠的“老实头”,而必须具有敏锐的政治嗅觉。这是对档案工作者素质的最起码的要求。 The rapid development of the four modernizations, the challenge of the revolution of new-generation technologies and the acceleration of the updating of knowledge. The surge of types and numbers of archives has raised the demand on the quality of archivists. Therefore, I think today’s qualified archivist must also have the following qualities. (A) keen political sense of smell. Archives work is not only a service for the four modernizations, therefore, archival work should be sensitive to the current political situation analysis and prediction, and should be familiar with current policies. The development trend of economic, scientific and cultural undertakings should be familiar with The archivists should be more concerned about and understand the socio-political and economic situation and the changes brought about by them. The archivists and room managers should adapt to this change and make the best use of the various tasks in the forefront of the forecast. Political use, academic use, the actual use of the various needs, seize the opportunity to provide original or processed files for all services. Therefore, archivists should not only be supposed to be politically reliable “honest people” but must have a keen sense of political smell. This is the minimum requirement for the quality of archivists.
1989年10月11日,瑞典皇家科学院(The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)宣布将1989年度的诺贝尔经济学奖授予挪威经济学家哈维尔莫(Trygre Haavelmo),以表彰他本世纪40年
现对我院在 1996~ 1999年间收治的老年带状疱疹 10 8例分析如下 :临床资料 本文 10 8例老年患者中 ,男 6 1例 ,女 47例 ,男女之比为 1.3:1,发病年龄 6 0~ 6 9岁 6 5例、70~ 79
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装甲车辆发动机市场从总体上看虽然正在变小,但对大功率发动机的需求却在扩大。这反映出对更强的车辆机动能力的要求正在增长。不断增加的辅助系统,如环境控制、主 In gene