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2011年,国务院总理温家宝视察南水北调中线工程取水口——丹江口水库时特别指出要着力解决好四个问题:一是水质问题,要保证一江清水到北京;二是移民问题,要保障移民得到妥善安置和长期稳定就业;三是汉江水环境容量问题,要密切关注汉江水环境变化,防止水体富营养化;四是水资源利用和保护生态环境的关系,要综合考虑水利工程与生态环境相互影响。切实加强水资源保护,综合整治各类污染,加快推进生态建设,实现生态移民、和谐移民,对于顺利实施南水北调中线工程,确保一江清水送北京具有极其重要的意义。 In 2011, Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council inspected the water intake of the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project - Danjiangkou Reservoir, and pointed out that it is necessary to make efforts to solve four problems: first, water quality issues should ensure that one river flows to Beijing; second, immigration needs to be properly protected Resettlement and long-term stable employment; Third, the water environment capacity of the Han River, we should pay close attention to changes in the water environment in the Han River to prevent water eutrophication; Fourth, water resources utilization and protection of the ecological environment, we must take into account the interaction between water conservancy projects and ecological environment . Practically strengthening water resources protection, comprehensively remediating various types of pollution, accelerating ecological construction, realizing ecological migration and harmonious immigration are of extremely important significance for the smooth implementation of the midline project of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project and ensuring a clear water supply to Beijing.
Objective: The objective of the study was to determine whether periodontal disease is associated with delivery of a small-for-gestational-age infant. Study desi
Objective: To determine whether metformin or placebo could,in conjunction with healthy lifestyle counseling,decrease serum testosterone levels and related aberr
基本工具一、 一般鉴赏的基本工具(见图1.2)(1)托盘(2)游标卡尺(尺寸以公分(cm)为单位)(3)磅秤(重量以公克(g)为单位)(4)10倍~22倍放大镜 (5)高倍率的显征镜(6)强光手电筒(7)
患者 男,29岁.因妻子怀孕3次,均于孕50~70天自然流产而就诊.妻子孕期无明显感染史,亦无药物、放射线等有害因素接触史。
患者女,15岁.因下腹部疼痛不适2个月入院.疼痛呈持续性,伴腹胀,无腹泻及恶心呕吐,无血尿.患者出生8个月时即发现直肠阴道瘘.查体:腹平坦,无胃肠型蠕动波,下腹正中可扪及约10 cm×8 cm大小包块,无压痛;肛诊:胸膝位7~12点、进指1.5 cm可触及一质硬包块,光滑,不活动,上缘不能触及,手套未血染,截石位5点距阴道外口约0.8 cm可见一瘘口,有大便溢出,内口距肛缘约2 cm。