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大片化和国际化的趋势给军事纪录片的创作和发展带来了新的机遇,而随着改革的深化,未来的军队系统会愈加地开放自信,大型军事纪录片发展形势乐观。在中国纪录片的发展历史中,军事纪录片的起步较早,但是它的快速发展却是近二十年的事情。尤其近年来,受中国纪录片大片化、国际化的大趋势影响,军事纪录片在产量、规模、美学等方面都发生了较大的变化,其中 The trend of large-scale and internationalization has brought new opportunities for the creation and development of military documentaries. With the deepening of the reform, the military system in the future will become more and more confident and self-confident, and the development of large-scale military documentaries will be optimistic. In the history of documentary development in China, the military documentary started earlier, but its rapid development has been a matter of nearly two decades. In recent years, due to the influence of the megatrend and internationalization of Chinese documentary films, military documentary films have undergone major changes in output, scale and aesthetics, among which
A simple method has been developed for the fabrication of a silicon microlens array with a 100%fill factor and a smooth configuration.The microlens array is fab
以BOSTICK反演方法和二维正演为基础,结合曲线对比和模型对比方法,推出了一种二维大地磁测深的快速反演方法,经理论应用表明,效果很好。 Based on the BOSTICK inversion method and tw
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Objective To explore the distribution characteristics of plasma renin concentration in patients with hypertension and the possibly methodological problems.Metho