
来源 :中国职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuzhangbin
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党的十八届三中全会提出,要“加快现代职业教育体系建设,深化产教融合、校企合作,培养高素质劳动者和技能型人才”。这是从我国现阶段经济社会发展的实际出发,对职业教育发展提出的一项战略性任务。最近,习近平总书记就加快职业教育发展专门做出重要指示,国务院颁布了《关于加快发展现代职业教育的决定》(以下简称《决定》并召开全国职业教育工作会议,对落实这一战略性任务进行了全面部署。可以认为,这一《决定》开启了我国职业教育体系新的、具有重大 The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed that we should speed up the construction of a modern vocational education system, deepen the integration of production and teaching, and bring about the cooperation between schools and enterprises so as to cultivate high-quality laborers and skilled personnel. “ This is a strategic task proposed for the development of vocational education from the reality of economic and social development in our country at this stage. Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important instruction specifically on accelerating the development of vocational education. The State Council promulgated the ”Decision on Accelerating the Development of Modern Vocational Education“ (hereinafter referred to as the ”Decision“) and held a national vocational education conference to implement this strategic task Conducted a comprehensive deployment can be considered that this ”decision" opened up a new vocational education system in our country, with significant
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