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卡梅隆在多部影片中塑造了精彩的女性形象,她们勇敢、坚强、独立、富有正义感和责任感,追求性别和精神上的平等。本文从女权主义运动趋势,影片中女性救赎的表现与困境,男权主义三大方面分析了女性主义视角下的卡梅隆电影,认为卡梅隆塑造了独立、积极地寻找自己的价值观和追求自己欲望的女性角色,从不同方面探究女性的自我实现,但仍然可以看出女性臣服于男性,并不是独立的存在。 Cameron has created a wonderful female image in many films. They are brave, strong, independent, full of sense of justice and responsibility, and pursue gender equality and spiritual equality. This paper analyzes the Cameron movies from the perspective of feminism from the perspective of the feminist movement, the performance and predicament of female salvation in the film, and the male chauvinism. They think that Cameron has shaped the independent and actively looking for their own values ​​and pursuits Women’s desire of their own desire to explore women’s self-realization from different aspects, but still can see that women are subservient to men, not an independent existence.
突然出现在本届影展开幕式上的林岭东,瘦而且高,穿一身黑,鸭舌帽遮住额头,一副黑超再遮住半张脸,不苟言笑的时候像极了他电影里的冷面悍匪,笑起来又活脱脱是他电影里的便衣警司!  10月下旬,10天,10部警匪电影经典。以“黑白交间 迷踪英雄”为名,第五届香港主题电影展在上海百美汇影城登场:《喋血双雄》《纵横四海》《龙虎风云》《监狱风云》《旺角卡门》《放逐》《无味神探》《警察故事》《公仆》《行规》……今
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