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3月26日,国家发改委出台了《促进综合交通枢纽发展的指导意见》(以下简称意见),要求各地以运输需求为导向,新建与改造相结合,推进我国综合交通枢纽的一体化发展。根据意见,“十二五”我国综合交通运输发展的任务包括:加强以客运为主的枢纽一体化衔接;完善以货运为主的枢纽集疏运功能;提升客货运输服务质量;统筹枢纽建设经营等四大方面。意见提出,按照有关文件的要求,“十二五”期间我国需基本建成包括31个省会城市及大连、秦皇岛、唐山、青岛、连云港、徐州、宁波、厦门、深圳、湛江、大同等42个全国性综合交通枢纽。融资方面,意见强调地方政府投资应发挥引导作用,加大资金支持力度。同时,要拓宽融资渠道,在充分发挥政府投资的引导作用同时,创新盈利模式,探索以企业为主体、资本为纽带的投融资方式,鼓励社会资本进入综合交通枢纽的建设和运营,形成多元化的投融资格局,建立稳定的综合交通枢纽投融资渠道。 On March 26, the National Development and Reform Commission promulgated the Guiding Opinion on Promoting the Development of Integrated Transport Hubs (hereinafter referred to as Opinions), demanding that all regions be guided by transport needs, combine new construction and renovation, and promote the integrated development of China’s comprehensive transport hub. According to the opinion, the tasks of China’s comprehensive transport development include: strengthening the integration of passenger-oriented hubs; improving the hub-and-ship transport function based on freight transport; improving the quality of passenger and freight transport services; Hub construction and operation of the four major areas. The Opinion proposes that in accordance with the requirements of the relevant documents, China needs to basically complete the “12th Five-Year Plan” period, including 31 provincial capitals and 42 such cities as Dalian, Qinhuangdao, Tangshan, Qingdao, Lianyungang, Xuzhou, Ningbo, Xiamen, Shenzhen, Zhanjiang, A national integrated transport hub. Financing, the views stressed that local government investment should play a guiding role, increase financial support. At the same time, it is necessary to broaden the channels for financing and make full use of the guiding role of government investment. At the same time, we should innovate the profit-making model and explore the mode of investment and financing that takes the enterprise as the mainstay and the capital as the link, and encourage social capital to enter into the construction and operation of an integrated transport hub to diversify Investment and financing pattern, establish a stable integrated transport hub investment and financing channels.
神仙鸡是浙江金华、衢州一带历史悠久、风味独特、烹调别致的传统名菜。其特色是红润油亮、酥烂透熟、鸡香味鲜。神仙鸡的来历,在浙江民间还有一段美妙的传说。 相传,有一次
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