机构奉献信息化报告 专家指点IT迷津——“2009中国信息化报告会”纪实

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2009年4月10日,“2009中国信息化报告会”在北京举行。本次报告会在国家信息化专家咨询委员会指导下,由国家信息中心主办,工业和信息化部电子科学技术情报研究所、中国互联网络信息中心、中国农业大学、北京时代计世资讯有限公司共同协办,国家信息中心信息化研究部、中国信息协会信息主管(CIO)分会联合承办。国家信息中心常务副主任王长胜出席会议并会见与会嘉宾,国家发展和改革委员会高技术产业司司长綦成元、工业和信息化部信息化推进司司长徐愈到会致辞,国家信息化专家咨询委员会常务副主任周宏仁作“论工业化与信息化融合”的主题报告。国家信息化专家咨询委员会多位委员,来自各部委、各地区从事信息化工作的领导以及来自科研机构、新闻媒体和产业界的代表近400人出席会议。会议由国家信息中心信息化研究部副主任张新红主持。报告会以“机构奉献信息化报告,专家指点IT迷津”为宗旨,围绕“两化融合与IT转型”主题,采取领导专家引领发言、研究机构发布报告的方式,向社会推出当前信息化领域最新研究成果。在为期一天的报告会中,来自国家信息化专家咨询委员会、国家信息中心、工业与信息化部电子科学技术情报研究所、国家统计局统计科学研究所、中国互联网络信息中心、中国农业大学、北京时代计世资讯有限公司等研究机构共发布报告20余份。本刊特集辑与会部分专家学者的观点摘要,以飨读者(根据国家信息中心信息化研究部提供的会议发言素材整理,按照会议发言人员顺序刊出)。 April 10, 2009, “2009 China Informatization Report” was held in Beijing. Under the guidance of the National Informatization Expert Advisory Committee, this seminar is jointly organized by the National Information Center, the Institute of Electronic Science and Technology Information of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China Internet Network Information Center, China Agricultural University, and Beijing Time World Information Co., Ltd. Co-host, Information Research Center of National Information Center, CIO Branch of China Information Association. Wang Changsheng, executive deputy director of the State Information Center, attended the meeting and met with the guests. Mr. Xu Cheng, Director of High-tech Industry Department of National Development and Reform Commission, Xu Yu, Director of Information Promotion Department of MIIT, delivered a speech. State Information Specialist Advisory Committee Zhou Hongren, executive deputy director for “on the integration of industrialization and information ” theme report. A number of members of the Advisory Committee of National Informatization Experts come from ministries and commissions, leaders from all regions engaged in informatization work, and nearly 400 representatives from scientific research institutions, the news media and industry attended the conference. The meeting was chaired by Zhang Xinhong, deputy director of the Information Research Department of the State Information Center. The report will focus on the theme of “integration of two cultures and transformation of IT” with leading experts to lead the speech and research institutions to release reports on the theme of giving information to organizations through informative reports and experts’ guidance. The latest research results in the field of information technology. During the one-day briefing, experts from the National Information Technology Consultative Committee, the State Information Center, the Institute of Electronic Science and Technology Information of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Institute of Statistical Science of the National Bureau of Statistics, China Internet Network Information Center, China Agricultural University, Beijing Times Information Co., Ltd. and other research institutes released a total of more than 20 reports. In this feature series, we summarize the opinions of some experts and scholars attending the symposium. The readers are listed according to the conference materials provided by the State Information Center Information Research Department and the conference speakers.
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