Error compensation on precision machine tool servo control system based on digital concave filter

来源 :Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sandland
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It is concluded from the results of testing the frequency characteristics of the sub micron precision machine tool servo control system, that the existence of several oscillating modalities is the main factor that affects the performance of the control system. To compensate for this effect,several concave filters are utilized in the system to improve the control accuracy. The feasibility of compensating for several oscillating modalities with a single concave filter is also studied. By applying a modified Butterworth concave filter to the practical system, the maximum stable state output error remains under ±10 nm in the closed loop positioning system. It is concluded from the results of testing the frequency characteristics of the sub micron precision machine tool servo control system, that the existence of several oscillating modalities is the main factor that affects the performance of the control system. filters are utilized in the system to improve the control accuracy. The feasibility of compensating for several oscillating modalities with a single concave filter is also studied. By applying a modified Butterworth concave filter to the practical system, the maximum stable state output error remains under ± 10 nm in the closed loop positioning system.
妊娠高血压综合征(pregnancy-induced hypertension,PIH,简称妊高征)是妊娠期特有的疾病,临床主要表现为高血压、浮肿、蛋白尿,严重时可出现脑出血、肝肾功能不全等重要脏器功
摘要 新闻采访需要良好的沟通技巧,这与社工服务之案主沟通相通。因此,社工如能汲取新闻采访沟通技巧之精髓,并应用于案主服务,可有效提升社工服务水平、推进社工实务技巧的发展与创新。  关键词 新闻采访 社会工作 社工服务  作者简介:李樱子,南昌航空大学播音主持系,本科,研究方向:播音主持、社会工作;周纯义,南昌航空大学社会工作系讲师,研究方向:社会工作实务。  中图分类号:G212献标识码:A文章编
1.研究目的  1.1了解社区老年COPD患者自我管理(知、信、行)现状;  1.2探讨社区老年COPD患者自我管理(知、信、行)的影响因素;  1.3探索适合国情的社区老年COPD患者自我管理
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目的:  1.探讨miR-98在胃癌组织与细胞中的差异表达状况。  2.分析miR-98的表达水平与胃癌临床病理特征的关系。  3.探讨miR-98对胃癌细胞增殖和细胞周期分布的影响。